165 range tests - Good LR and LG, struggling RC

michael.childressmichael.childress Core Member
in General 11 karma

I have taken three practice tests now, and have gotten within the 163-167 range each time with similar trends. I am missing 3-5 LR and 3-5LG questions and then roughly 8-10 RC questions. I feel like RC is holding me back from my goal score of 168/170, but I am unsure how to approach my last couple months before the February test. Should I double down on LR and LG, or do my best to try and save a few points on RC by studying that even harder? I know that RC is generally the hardest section to improve on, and I dont want my time and effort to be wasted. Just want to make sure Im using my time as best as I can. Thanks in advance for any thoughts and advice, and good luck to everyone studying.

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