Job inquiry - feeling lost

Avatario43Avatario43 Core Member
in General 198 karma

got into law school and when i got hired at firm 6 months ago and they asked i said i’d be applying in the next few years or haven’t thought about it besides speculating yet and want experience first. when i put in my notice how do i do it without completely tarnishing their view of me or without screwing them over? was advised to do this because everyone is replaceable and should look out for my own interests first and not have to disclose everything until timing is right, part of me feels unethical to lie and or to be honest about going to law school. also know that the bar contacts every place of employment. Pls no passive or unhelpful comments, clearly i am overthinking this and so sorry for the jumble but really need concrete advice and help as to what to do.


  • nye.gerdanye.gerda Alum Member
    12 karma

    It starts with your mindset. The law firm was lucky to have you, even if for a short time. This is just the natural next step in your career, your employer should be happy for you. Who knows maybe you'll come back to work for them once you graduate law school. I would make sure to express that gratitude to your current employer and if you feel confident that this is the right next step, there shouldn't be any issues.

  • on_the_brinkon_the_brink Alum Member
    49 karma

    Make it sound like something you ~just~ decided to do and that you'd love to stay in touch. This experience was so inspiring that you wanted to apply to law school, etc.

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