PT27.S4.Q07 - If you know a lot about history

arejay290arejay290 Live Member

I've watched JY's explanation and the only other forum post regarding this question, but I'm still not sure why my reasoning for B is incorrect.

I understand the diagramming to be:

P: know a lot about history —> easy to impress intellectuals
C: /(know a lot about history) —> /(easy to impress intellectuals)

I also understand this to be a case of:
Invalid Argument Structure
A —> B
/A —> /B

What doesn't make sense to me is I chose B though because I'm thinking it's possible
(you could know a lot about history ---> /(easy to impress intellectuals)) or (A --> /B). I'm not sure if my reasoning is correct and it's just not appropriate in this situation because it fails step 2 of the flaw test or if something else about it is flat-out incorrect. Any feedback is appreciated. Thank you.

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