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I am looking for a Live Class Partner

Ashley2018-1Ashley2018-1 Alum Member
edited January 7 in General 2249 karma

I am looking for someone who has been studying for the LSAT in the mid-160's and who is enrolled in Live Classes and is a fairly regular attendee and by regular I mean at least one session a day. I am looking for someone to talk to during class and by talk I mean exchanging specific questions about what the instructor is covering because I have noticed many times, questions and comments being lost in the chat, and they are never addressed so I hope this will help you as much as it helps me. if anything, it will help us to keep focus at least. and I mostly want to try to answer your questions so I won't be messaging you questions. the only exception will be during office hours because for those I leave once I have my question answered. And there aren't any obligations with this commitment; if for any reason we try this out and it doesn't work we don't have to have a formal discussion about stopping, we could just stop. During live classes, my name in the zoom will always be Ashley.

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