January 24 - Applications, advice, opinions

K_Aura24K_Aura24 Core Member
edited January 19 in Law School Admissions 8 karma

So I decided to wait until January for the LSAT. I had some pretty significant losses and struggles summer 23 and did not feel I would be ready by November. I even switched full-time jobs in November.

With that is the January LSAT too late for applications too really be considered?

Some people on the forms have talked about this admissions cycle being much slower then normal. Is that what most people are experiencing even in offers?
I have seen so much variation in opinion and I know we are not in the minds of the admissions office, but still just want to gauge general feelings on this.

Stats wise my UGPA was 3.91 (3.92 with CAS report) from a decently competitive institution. I had some technical issues in my final section of the Jan LSAT but otherwise felt really comfortable with all the questions I had.

I know we will all be super stressed until the scores are released...

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