PT62.S2.Q21 - Most large nurseries sell raspberry plants

elijah12345elijah12345 Core Member
edited January 25 in Logical Reasoning 11 karma

I know the correct answer is E, however I am stuck at how C is not the correct answer even after watching the

Johnson is not a commercial raspberry grower AND he got a plant that carried a virus. We know that these two qualities (plant with virus and non-commercial growers) are the complete opposite of the type of business MOST large nurseries do. So, would that not make it probable that Wally's is not a large nursery because the type of customer and plant received by Johnson is the complete opposite of what MOST large nurseries offer?

Is this a case of C not necessarily being incorrect, but E is just a better answer?

Hopefully that makes sense and thank you for any help


  • jbantonyjbantony Core Member
    36 karma

    The way you can knock out C is by mapping it out conditionally. The logic is as follows: Large Nurseries < Most> Commercial Dealers and Large Nurseries Raspberries Don't have diseases AC C starts with the sufficient condition if Johnson is NOT a Commercial Dealer. That's the error, because we cannot conclude anything based off the information of what happens to non commercial dealers. Their is no contrapositive for a most statement, so if we have no information on what happens to most non commercial dealers how can anything be supported.

    Meanwhile as you stated we know that Wally is a Large Nursery and we know that most of them guarantee no diseases so since a disease was present their is a probable likelihood that Wally is apart of the subset of nurseries that guaranties no diseases (because most do) if there are diseases present their is a probable chance it missed the mark.

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