LSAT Study Schedule - April & June 2024

victoriamvictoriam Live Member
in General 7 karma

Hey everyone!

I'm studying for the April and June LSAT and was curious to know what type of study schedule worked best for people to prepare for the exam. I have studied a bit on and off for about 3 months.


  • gabrielakdavilagabrielakdavila Core Member
    18 karma

    I started the core curriculum (version 1) from October 1st and finished CC about 2 weeks ago. I take a practice test every weekend to see where are my weak spots. I then make a study plan of what question types I need to drill for that week for improvement. Mainly focusing on LR and RC this week while still drilling LG so I do not become out of practice. I work full-time so I try to study after work for 2-3 hours every night.

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