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Difference between Drills and Problem Sets?

jocelynye423jocelynye423 Core Member
in General 5 karma

What is the difference between the Drill and Problem Sets in the syllabus? For example, under Most Strongly Supported Questions, there is "Drill - MSS Questions" and 12 "Most Strongly Supported Problem Sets". They both seem to have 5 questions, but there is always one drill section and multiple problem set sections.

Also, does everyone get the same questions in the drills and problem sets? Or it's a random assortment of questions each time you take it?


  • Cherry - Student ServiceCherry - Student Service Member Administrator Student Services
    1642 karma

    @jocelynye423 The problem sets are pre-made and are static sets of 5 questions in increasing order of difficulty and newness. For example, the Most Strongly Supported Problem Set #1 contains the easiest and oldest MSS questions from PTs 1 to 35 and the Most Strongly Supported Problem Set #12 contains the hardest and the newest. As they are laid out in the CC, the expectation is that a student should just proceed through them one by one.

    While the Drills gives you the ability to set the difficulty yourself they are also auto-generated so each student gets different question for every Drill. Also for Drills, a student can, based on how well you followed the lessons, set the difficulty to, say, medium, and see how you do. Based on the results of the Drill, you can quickly adjust the difficulty for the next Drill. Drills will allow students to more efficiently hone in on what they need to practice.

    I hope this helps! Please let me know if you have any further questions.

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