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When do I know to to use conditional logic/mapping?

bobofriendzbobofriendz Core Member
edited March 2024 in Logical Reasoning 10 karma

Obviously parallel flaw questions and some other question types like SA and MBT usually require logic mapping, but how do you decide during PTs and the actual test when to need to use conditional logic?

And what are the question types that 100% require mapping, often require mapping, and usually do not require mapping?



  • LivinLaVidaLSATLivinLaVidaLSAT Alum Member
    edited March 2024 720 karma

    There aren't any questions that require you to map out anything. It is a matter of how comfortable you are with the stimulus/answers. If you think it will be helpful to you for a particular question, then, of course, map it out to help you get it right. You may find yourself mapping less and less overtime as you become more comfortable with the test. After much practice, I use mapping only as needed for conditional logic, parallel reasoning, parallel flaw, must be true (usually for overlapping of quantifiers). Do what works for you.

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