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How to break though a plateau?

martyroch25martyroch25 Alum Member
in General 6 karma

All my recent practice tests have been scores in the low 60s. On average I get -1/0 LG, -8/-5 LR, and -11/-8 RC. I have a learning disability related to reading which is why my RC are so low, and I get accommodations of extra time on the exam to compensate for that. My RC used to be a lot worse but with lots of practice I've really improved. On blind review I usually go up around 3 points total (with the majority of correction on my LR).

I'm trying to get at least a 165 on the exam but preferably higher, so I figured the best way to improve was working on my LR section more. And I'm really trying to improve before the June LSAT since it will be the last time to take it with LG which is my best section. But the problem is even though I get more questions right on blind review the next day, every time I take a practice test I'm still getting the same results. My last 3 PTs have been 161. Maybe it has something to do with time pressure or overload of questions one after another I'm not really sure. I also tried taking more time to really make sure I'm getting questions right before moving on but that strategy completely fails cause I just end up not finishing all the questions before time runs out.

I'm going to keep doing timed drills and practicing but does anyone have any other tips?

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