Reading Comp - Read Time vs. Question Time

gregory.ruane-1-1gregory.ruane-1-1 Alum Member
in General 37 karma
My average passage read time is 3:15.

My average passage question time is 5:15.

So, roughly 40% read time and 60% question time.

My average RC scores run from 17-21 correct answers.

I feel like I need to slow down a little on the read, because I find myself looking back for the "author would likely agree" and "what can we infer about author's attitude" type questions.

Is it reasonable to think that by slowing down on the read I can answer questions more quickly?

I'm just trying to figure out what conclusions I can draw with the info above to help me in my preparation.

Any help is appreciated.


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    It is reasonable to think that, and that is the delicate balancing act that everyone must deal with on their own to find the right equilibrium for themselves. Personally I prefer to read the passage in under 2:15 and spend 6 minutes or so on the questions. I refer back as needed but I have a decent memory for physical location of information on the page so it's something that works well for me.

    If you feel like a different strategy is worth trying, then do a couple passages to test it out and see if it pays off for you. Just come up with a specific strategy before you start and even write it down so you can make sure you stay on track. If it works, then just commit the methodology to memory and then use it every chance you get so it becomes a habit.
  • jac376jac376 Free Trial Member
    edited August 2015 23 karma
    I'm no expert, so instead of advice alone, ill tell you my experience. For me, my background in polysci and history (my majors undergrad) really prepared me perfectly for RC. Dense scholarly polysci and history articles are jam packed with fodder, and a student MUST become able to scan it, sift through it quickly to find the relevant points. A lawyer has to do similar work, very often. Imagine a discovery process requiring document review of thousands of corporate documents, memos, spreadsheets, etc, from the other side of the litigation, and you have a deadline before which you must find specific information from the documents that will help your case. Being able to quickly ignore information not of primary importance is tantamount.

    That being said, I think there is nothing that can sharpen this skill better than practice practice practice. Doesn't even have to be LSAT. Pick up an editorial section in the WSJ and see how quickly u can pace out the reasoning structure for each article.

    Just my 2 cents.
  • lschoolgolschoolgo Member
    274 karma
    @Pacifico @jac376 how many do you miss in new RC PT 60 onward?
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    I've only taken 3 PTs from the 60s and I've averaged around -5 or -6 but I also had some crazy circumstances and interruptions surrounding some of those PTs (e.g.- childbirth) so I don't think they were an accurate reflection of my abilities.
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