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PT 80s LR, Am I getting worse or are they just weird?

smurray138smurray138 Core Member

Hi everyone! I took the LSAT in April and am now studying again for the June. I only need a few more points to get up to my goal score of 168, but I have been taking some sections in the PT80s and am feeling like I am getting worse. LR used to be okay for me (average -5ish) and with these particular PTs the questions I have missed have been much higher.

I'm not sure if this is some weird dip in my studying, or if this is just a result of the 80s LR being really weird. I would really appreciate some insight if anyone else is seeing this or if it is just a me problem. And if it is just a me problem, how others have overcome a dip in between tests. Thanks!


  • jc333333jc333333 Alum Member
    116 karma

    Experiencing the same thing and agree they felt a little harder typically average around -5 as well on LR but got a -7 and -8

  • gofish123gofish123 Live Member
    74 karma

    I felt that they were harder in that they were less formulaic and trickier.

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