PT156.S4.Q24 - A movie studio's script readers

lawguy2025lawguy2025 Alum Member
edited May 27 in Logical Reasoning 21 karma

This question doesn't have an explanation, so I wanted to see if anyone could back up my reasoning.

The flaw of the question stem is that it confuses necessary conditions for sufficient ones. Correctly formatting the script as well as having it be submitted by an agent is necessary for the script to not be discarded, but it does not guarantee that it won't be. There could be another reason, such as that it arrived too late, that it would be discarded.

A is not the correct choice because it is a valid argument.

B is not correct because it's a different flaw. It takes for granted that Jon is a good cook. You can also argue that it's flawed in that the necessary condition "delicious" is subjective.

C is correct, although its a bit tricky. It confuses sufficient conditions for necessary ones. Exercising daily or quitting smoking will improve Bob's health, but he doesn't need to do either one to improve his fitness level. He could lose weight by dieting for example. I think this is what makes this question so difficult (5 circles).

D is incorrect because it's a different flaw. It confuses the sufficient conditions for one argument with another. A car not having a permit or having an expired one are sufficient conditions for police being allowed to ticket. The Police being allowed to ticket does not mean they will ticket; They could give you a warning or maybe do nothing.

E is incorrect because its a different flaw. It takes for granted that because a dog can do advanced tricks it will respond correctly to basic commands. It's possible that a dog could do a backflip but would refuse to sit.

let me know if my reasoning is accurate - thanks!

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