PT156.S2.Q15 - People would not follow a leader...

lsatstudent912lsatstudent912 Core Member
edited June 10 in Logical Reasoning 6 karma

I previously chose B and got it wrong. I now see why A is the correct answer.

The question stated "People would not follow a leader if they felt there was nothing they could gain by following that leader. Therefore, even those leaders who are incompetent or evil bring some good to their followers."

In lawgic, this translates to "If they felt there was nothing they could gain by following that leader, people would not follow a leader. Therefore, even those leaders who are incompetent or evil bring some good to their followers."

Nothing to Gain (/GA) --> Not Follow a Leader (/FL). So /GA-->/FL. The contrapositive of this is FL-->GA. (If you follow a leader, then you have something to gain).

Following Incompetent or Evil Leader (FIEL) --> Bring Some Good (BG). So FIEL-->BSG

  1. FL-->GA
  2. FIEL-->BSG

A most closely matches this.

(Expound upon theories) EUO-->BT (Believe are True)
(Any theory expounded) ATE-->GOT (Grain of Truth)

B talks about worst circumstances and then vicious people. But A sticks with the subject of theories being expounded upon, and the stimulus talks about following leaders.

Admin Note: Edited title. For LR questions, please use the format: "PT#.S#.Q# - brief description of the question."

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