PT105.S3.Q04 - Simple Structure Questions

LemonTreeLemonTree Free Trial Member
edited June 18 in Reading Comprehension 8 karma

I'm a relatively high-scoring pretest taker (average score 174.7 on my 10 most recent preptests), but it feels like I sometimes struggle with basic structure questions. Case in point, for PT 105 S3 Q4 I selected answer choice A, rather than the correct answer E. After going back and reviewing the question, I can see how E would make sense, but in the moment I seem to find such questions difficult. This seems to carry over to other basic structure questions (such as PT108, S1, Q4). Does anyone have any tips on avoiding structural question pitfalls?


  • adityasehgal.nyadityasehgal.ny Live Member
    11 karma

    Tbh I have the same problem and although i usually end up getting them right i take wayyy too long on them. This isn't the case with PT105, but if I spend more than 90 seconds on one of these questions, I leave it for the end since the other questions usually point to how the test writers "want" me to think about this passage.

    For PT 105 specifically, "opposing" in answer choice A makes it clearly wrong. They aren't opposing views, both are taken to exist, they just are two sides of the same coin, or in other words, advantages and disadvantages, which is answer choice E. Writing this out now makes me think that maybe descriptor words are especially important to vet when initially reading the answer choices. I'm going to try this out now too! Best of luck to you.

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