PT151.S2.Q23 - Could anyone explain to me

arwenlawarwenlaw Alum Member
edited July 2024 in Logical Reasoning 15 karma

Could anyone explain to me why answer choice B doesn't mimic the flaw in the stimulus like answer choice C does? I watched the video and spent some time with it on my own, but I am still lost! This is the question on artificial sweetener and aspartame

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  • annabellouise.jonesannabellouise.jones Core Member
    22 karma

    The problem with B is that it refers to "most" people. There is no mention of most in the stimulus. C specifies a certain group of people (Joe versus Maria) like the stimulus does (people who drink soft drinks with sugar versus people who drink aspartame soft drinks). That's the main way I differentiated B and C.

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