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Need advice! Retake? Effects of cancelling final LSAT?

tiffanychananantiffanychananan Alum Member
in General 12 karma

Hi, everyone! I'm debating on whether or not I should take the new LSAT in September and would really appreciate any input/advice.

I have a 3.96 GPA and scored a 161 in April and a 162 in June (didn't have a lot of time to study going into June, unfortunately). Prior to taking April, I was PTing around 165-169.

Logic games was my best section (I usually went -0 on PTs). My concern is that I will score worse in September because my best section is now gone. I'm also applying for law school this upcoming cycle, so I feel like September is the latest I can take the LSAT again. I'm just hoping to raise my score 3 points to a 165. Two of the schools I'm interested in have medians of 164 and 166.

  • If I were to take September and do worse, would cancelling my third and final LSAT score look bad to admissions officers?
  • Is anyone who loved logic games also concerned about how they'll perform without it?
Should I retake the LSAT?
  1. Should I retake the LSAT?3 votes
    1. Yes.
    2. No.
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