Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Resolve the apparent conflict (june 04 LRsection , #15) - 7Sage Forum

Resolve the apparent conflict (june 04 LRsection , #15)

lpadr009lpadr009 Free Trial Member
in General 379 karma
After reviewing, i understand the conflict is that Kendrick says cig ads should be prevented but also remain legal. I dont understand how that's a conflict.There are lots of things we all think should be prevented, but to make illegal would be over the top.

I am obviously one of those who fell for the sucker conflict and thought the conflict was that "how could it be legal to have fatty food commercials and not cigarette commercials?", but after reviewing, i still think my sucker conflict makes more sense.

can someone help me understand more intuitively why the previous was the conflict and not the latter?


  • DumbHollywoodActorDumbHollywoodActor Alum Inactive ⭐
    edited August 2015 7468 karma
    Here are my notes on this problem. To answer your question, if you think that the discrepancy stems from the advertisements of cigarettes and fatty foods, then you’re ignoring half the stimulus. The problem is that this stimulus reads a lot like an argument that could be weakened, and the answers choices all capitalize on that confusion. Also, the “conflict between fatty foods commercials and cigarette commercials” is actually a premise (fatty foods are legal) and a conclusion (Cigarette ads should remain legal). In other words, you’re trying to resolve the conflict between the conclusion of one argument and the premise of another. I’m not sure it’s a rule, but it seems logical to assume that the question stem wants us to resolve the discrepancy between the 2 conclusions.

    15. Resolve the Discrepancy

    Analysis: Super hard. The difficulty in this stimulus is sifting through it to figure out the two conclusions. Many of the wrong answer choices will capitalize on that difficulty.
    Discrepancy: How come cigarette advertisements should remain legal even though governments that try to prevent cigarettes from being advertised are justified in doing so?

    Elimination: (A) contradicts that the ads should remain legal. (B) Weakens the second conclusion, but has no effect on the discrepancy. (C) has no bearing on how governments’s ability to try to prevent cigarettes from being advertised. (D) looks good. (E) contradicts that governments should try to prevent advertisements.

    Selection: (D) allows ads to be legal while also giving the government a way to prevent the ads. (D) is the correct answer.
  • lpadr009lpadr009 Free Trial Member
    379 karma
    Thank youuuuu!!
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