Test Score - 150-154 untimed PT to a drop of 140s timed

heathercharter03heathercharter03 Core Member
edited August 2024 in General 6 karma

Hi Everyone, I have been studing on and off for the past 2.5 months, but I have always scared of PT and do not take them like I should. I will split the up and take them untimed etc. I am unsure of how to get over the fear and worrying. I have been doing okay with the PT about 150s when I break them up and do them untimed, but today I decided to do two sections untimed and my scores were 10 on RC and 13 on LR, which is heading for low 140s.... I am supposed to be taking the LSAT soon as I am a sr starting in 2 weeks, but now I am unsure how I will even get an average score on the LSAT when I have to take it timed. I am unsure if anyone has similar experince or worry, but I needed to vent. I am hoping for around a 153 because my GPA is a 3.99, but I do not feel as if it is posssible in the time crunch. :(


  • iflsatthen180iflsatthen180 Core Member
    41 karma

    Tbh the drop in score going from untimed and timed seems reasonable. I'd say 50% of the difficulty is the time constraint, so a 150 score with a "50% easier" test means that you're definitely missing some fundamentals that you should work on. Don't be afraid of practicing with the time constraint cause imo you're just building another obstacle for yourself; instead of working on timing while learning the content, you're learning the content, and then you're going to have to adapt what you've learned to time constraints which means you'll have to undo bad untimed habits that don't work under timed conditions (drawing things out, etc.) while also learning new good habits (skipping q's, etc.). This is why blind review is a thing; so you can practice with a time constraint, and without one, to really see where you're conceptual gaps are.
    I'm not sure what you mean by "sr" but if you mean you're registered for the test in september, I would highly suggest thinking about rescheduling to at least october. Going into the test with only having 2 weeks of timed practice under your belt without really being a natural at the test, it will be very difficult to get a score you want. I think bare minimum is timed sections throughout your studying time and some PTs, but ideally you start with timed sections, then start "drilling" PTs. I don't mean to scare you but the time constraint isn't really negotiable with this test and being so close to your test, you're only hurting yourself by not testing/practicing with it.

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