PT78.S4.Q11 - Could someone help me out here?

despicablecowdespicablecow Core Member
edited August 2024 in Reading Comprehension 11 karma

Could someone help me out here?

The stem reads "The passage suggests that Taruskin's position commits him to which one of the following views?" I'm having trouble understanding why AC D is wrong here. I selected AC D because in lines 6-7 Taruskin explicitly states that high art was produced by and for elites. JY's reasoning as to why AC D is incorrect is just that Taruskin never mentions that the artists are themselves part of the elite class but this just doesn't seem to be true? I get why AC C is right. Does this question hinge on the use of the word suggests in the stem? That it can't be explicitly stated but must instead be implied? Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

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