Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). 163 diagnostic -> 163 official score - 7Sage Forum

163 diagnostic -> 163 official score

sharajjeyarajahsharajjeyarajah Live Member
in General 10 karma

I feel like there's something wrong. I finished 7sage's LR curriculum, drilled, took practice tests, and I never scored higher than my diagnostic. In fact, I only scored between 157 and 162 on my practice tests preceding the official test. To be fair, I introduced BR very late to my study process. But I feel like it's odd that I didn't at least stumble into a higher score based on rote practice and familiarity.

Does anyone have thoughts about how to proceed for the October exam? Should I hunker down, focusing on PTs and blind review? Should I consider a different program? A private tutor? Stop studying and hope my intuition marinates over that time (JK)?

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