Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). Did not take a PT... - 7Sage Forum

Did not take a PT...

kurojhk37kurojhk37 Core Member
edited September 3 in September 2024 LSAT 22 karma

Hi all,

I took my first LSAT back in April, and after getting my score back, I realized I wanted to brush up a little more and take it again in the fall. With that, I'm scheduled to take it this Friday.

The thing is, I haven't taken a real, sit-down practice test since I was studying for my April exam. This summer, I started using 7sage and focused on getting the lessons and drilling. In terms of timing, I've been pretty good. I know it's a bad idea not to have taken any PT, but also, I'm scared to take a PT and get a bad score and feel discouraged for my real exam this week.

I guess I just need someone to second my opinion, or if anyone else is in the same boat as me, you're not alone.

Good luck to everyone taking it this month!


  • manae21manae21 Live Member
    edited September 3 28 karma

    On a similar boat here! I'm taking one this Saturday and my last PT is from like a month ago. I've only taken like 3 PTs in total and my last one was a really good score so I didn't want to discourage myself by taking another and getting lower scores. I've been focused on the curriculum and drilling lots and lots of questions (I've actually exhausted the drilling pool at this point) and am feeling pretty confident. If I bomb the real test I guess I'll take that as a cue to take more PTs for November but for now I am cautiously optimistic XD Good luck to both of us!

  • kurojhk37kurojhk37 Core Member
    22 karma

    Right? I feel like as long as we feel good about our studies and pacing/timing, there's no reason to stress out to take a test just for a score. Other than PTs helping with our stamina to be able to sit for a prolonged time, we should be fine! Thanks for the reassurance :)

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