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Last Minute Tips/Advice Before Taking LSAT

lsatslaylsatslay Alum Member
in General 10 karma

Does anyone have any last minute advice for the day before or day of taking your LSAT? I've heard many people say to take the day off but is there something you would recommend refreshing or keeping in mind?


  • I took the September LSAT yesterday, and didn't feel burnt out when I eventually took it. The day before I did one RC passage (medium difficulty) and about 10 LR questions generated by 7sage. I know most people say to not do anything, but I personally felt that this practice was light enough to keep my brain thinking about the LSAT but also not stressing me out. The morning of the test I did another RC passage and 5 LR questions as warm-up. I think if you do practice right before the LSAT, don't check the answers! It could be stressful or psych you out, and just doing some light practice is more important.

    Good luck!!!

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