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Successful Progression

scwebb2scwebb2 Core Member
in General 7 karma

Just wanted to share my experience in case it may be helpful to anyone, as I know I found some of these posts comforting while going through the test process.

My original diagnostic score from November of 2023 with no prep was a 161. I then began prepping casually on Khan Academy and scored PTs of 163, 162, and 162. Once I decided to commit to the LSAT I began a different test prep program other than 7Sage and registered for the June 2024 exam. Within this program I had these PT scores 162, 160, 164, 158, 161, 165, 164, 165. On the June LSAT I scored a 162 and was extremely disappointed because I had made nearly no progress from my diagnostic. Luckily I was able to get my money back from that other prep program and my friend recommended 7sage.

After starting individual tutoring with 7sage I immediately started feeling better and more confident and planned to take the September LSAT. My PT scores were as follows: 164 (174 BR), 167 (169 BR), 168 (169 BR), 169 (170 BR), 169 (176 BR), 167 (BR 168). Then, my last PT before the LSAT did not go to plan due to testing environment conditions and I got a 163. Obviously this shook my confidence a little bit but after talking with my tutor I was able to relax a little bit. I ended up getting a 171 on the September LSAT, and while I am confident if I continued to study I could improve even more, I am feeling pretty good about executing on test day and earning my pb for a timed score.

I felt so defeated after the June test, and even before checking my results from September I was so anxious that I would not improve my score. All this to say I highly recommend the individual tutoring program and always go into test day confident and knowing that you could get your best score yet on the official test.

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