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Hey all, I'm looking for study buddies who are in the 155-165 range available to study/drill/review together to prepare for the Jan LSAT. Studying alone can sometimes be boring and not motivating so looking to find motivated people who want to try to get 170s on the jan lsat!! Comment if you are interested and we can do a zoom session. Im from Canada EST
I'm down. It's tough with a 9-5 but I'm glad there are others like me!
Hey! I'm down as well!!!
Hey I'm down as well. Let me know
Same here. Taking in Jan 2025, let me know!
Hi! I’m also down!
I'm down as well!
Hey !! I'm down !
I'm interested!
I would love to join!
Hi I would also love to join!!
I'd love to join!
I'm down as well.
I'm down please let me know
i would be down to study
Also interested! Would love to join the 9-5 study group haha
ahhhh me please!
im interested as well!
I am interested as well!
I am interested!
I need this too!
I am down! also in EST and taking the Jan LSAT
I am down and also taking the Jan LSAT!
I'd like to join as well please! I'm on US CST so anytime after 6:30pm CA EST is ideal for me. Thanks in advance for posting for this study group
I'd love to join as well if you are still looking for people
Definitely interested
I'm down
ahhhh I'm super down
HEYYY, Im totally down as well
me too!
I am down!!
Im super down! In the same boat as you!
Join our discord! Several full time professionals are active, myself included!
I'd also love to join! I'm thinking of taking the exam in February but am really looking for study groups.
I'm down
I am interested as well and would love to join the group if there is one
same here!!
I'd love to join!
I would love to join as well.
I would love to join!
Me too!!! ^
I am very much interested !
I'm interested, too!!
I am down but my lsat score is lower than the 170s
I'd love to join!
I'm down!
I'm interested! Scored mid 150s on the november LSAT but had a bad testing experience. Hoping to get 160s or up in January.
I'm interested too!!
hey! I got alot of responses for people wanting a group chat on whatsapp so i created a group chat! If you're interested, come join
Here is the link
I literally just made it so more people will trickle in soon haha.
LMK if there's any issues with the link!