Can't finish practice tests - help...

KingOfGamesKingOfGames Live Member
in General 9 karma

I always find myself yearning to know the answer and the anxiety kicks in. I'm worried the same impulse will show up on test day.


  • jasmine04jasmine04 Core Member
    27 karma

    And that's exactly why you take practice tests! So your anxiety or stress doesn't get in the way. If you're feeling this way, I’d recommend doing your practice tests at the exact time your test is scheduled—same time of day, same food, same routine. I realized that when there’s consistency and a routine, it really helps a lot. Also, you can practice mindfulness by taking deep breaths and reminding yourself that you're prepared and you've done everything you can to get to this point. It's about building confidence and reducing that pressure, so on the day of the test, it feels like just another step in the process.

  • omar.p.perezomar.p.perez Core Member
    16 karma

    I stopped taking practice tests and scored higher on my test than I was scoring on my practice tests. The issue for me is staying focused for the duration of the test though.

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