Hi all!

I am writing this with shoulders free from the heavy panic I was feeling 4 days ago as I frantically tried to shove 5 PT's a week into the time before the October test. I have been familiar with LSAT training since May, forked up and used Kaplan, got the LSAT Trainer and found 7Sage and almost died of LSAT burnout/overdose. Now, I'm finding that I have about 10 extra weeks. I've done a lot of PT's, but haven't blind reviewed but 3, as I discovered 7Sage and JY's methods a few weeks ago. With that said, I want to make the most out of the extra time I've granted myself, and I don't want to run through 60-75, as I know those are extremely important PT's. Doing 3 PT's/week makes me done with those 15 in 5 weeks.... and that makes me nervous. Should I stick in other PT's between them, like the 30s or something?
How did anyone else do it/how are you guys prepping for the Dec. test?
I'll also probably redo a couple older PT's from the curriculum before my course expires from PT's 37-46. The scores will be inflated a bit, but it'll be beneficial to hear 7Sage's explanations more as the test nears.
Well first I want to say it's great that you are postponing til December. You should only take the LSAT when you feel ready. I personally am just following the 7sage curriculum and then starting prep testing once I finish that. I would suggest that you do 2 prep tests per week and this time BR every single prep test you take. JY specifically tells us to do this so we can learn why an answer is wrong and hopefully not make that mistake again. BR'ing is the reason why I can go -0 or -1 on LR now!
OMG that is so awesome... that is literally my dream come true on LG and LR!! Good for you!!
I'm really trying to do this right, and BR right. What have you been getting on your BR's, should I be aiming really high to start with? (170s?)
I'm sure glad there are others out there we can lean on in this stressful time
Also remember to take a break here and there if you are feeling burnout. Forcing yourself to study in that state is inefficient.
I cannot explain how happy I am that I am not going to be taking it this Saturday. I'm about to BR PT 60 that I did last week, I tried to get around to it but I decided to just take a week off. I've never done the Skype call, may I ask how it helps everyone? I am an individual studier by nature, but I would love to tune in and participate if it is beneficial
Good idea, thank you! I have PT's 60-75 to go, and I am excited to kick PT 75's ass since it kicked mine this past June. I think it will do me well mentally to "overcome" that hurdle, so to speak.
I am doing 2 right now, but I've done 20 or so since May since I was preparing for the June test then, and then the Oct(Now Dec. one). But I honestly don't think doing those really did much for me; I didn't know what BRing was so they were wasted. Luckily I still have the most recent ones to do.