Really struggled with this on the exam, and I still missed it during BR. Specifically, I had a really tough time differentiating answers A, B, C, and D. Can someone help me out with those answer choices? Here is my breakdown:
TV show MOST depend on ad funding
TV show MOST cancelled with no ad funding
Ad funding----->Some people watching buy the advertised products
Most people don't buy the advertised products------>Shows cancelled soon
Thus, person who thinks a show is worth preserving------>should buy the stuff advertised during the show.
What I am looking for: I need something that concludes that people should buy the advertised stuff.
Answer A: This is what I chose, but it doesn't fit the facts of the passage. All we know is that MOST TV shows would be cancelled with no ad funding, and that if MOST people don't buy the products, the show sill be cancelled. This answer choice is too certain about the inevitability of cancellation.
Answer B: I don't understand how this answer choice is that different from A. How do we know about the certainty of cancellation?
Answer C: We don't know if the TV show is ACTUALLY worth preserving, only that someone "feels"/believes that it is.

What makes this one incorrect? If B is correct, how is this one incorrect?
Answer E: "Feel most strongly?" This was the only one I could confidently eliminate since we don't care about the degree of caring.
As to the other answer choices, I'll only go over what you have an issue with.
(A) is tricky in that it says everything we want but it's all mixed up. The sufficient portion of the principle is that "if a TV is not cancelled people have bought the products advertised during the commercials." (A) goes off on a tangent by stating "shows that one feels to be worth preserving would be cancelled." We don't know what everyone else ought to do when considering a show "one feels worthy," since one is not referential phrasing to all those people.
(D) is a necessary condition of the conclusion, but not actually a principle that can be applied to the argument. "Taking any action that reduces the likelihood of the show cancelling" is not the same as "buying products," since we do not know if buying products is the only way of ensuring a TV show is not cancelled.
Hope this helps.