December Test Takers, I give you Fallacy Ref. He keeps us in line!
Don’t go it alone! Group BR!
Who is actually interested in Monday morning BR calls? No one was there today. Let me know.
Wednesday, Nov. 25th at 8PM ET: PT 74
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Friday, Nov. 27th at 8PM ET: PT Superprep 2
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LSATurday, Nov 28th at 8PM ET: PT75
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MONDAY, November 30th at 11AM ET: PT??
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Be sure to announce in the comments which group(s) you’re planning on attending.
- For the newbies: Add me on Skype, using handle dmlevine76 and PM your email for Google Hangout.
- For the regulars: If for some reason you're not in the group conversation[s] already, just message me on Skype.
- For everyone: take the PT under timed conditions; BR as you are able; join us for all or part of the call—everyone is welcome.
- Note: For the purposes of the call, we like to check our group blind review score together at the very end of the call
So at least don't say ... "No guys, really, it's D, I checked it."
- These groups work best when folks from ALL stages of prep and with all different goals join in! Not just for "super-preppers" and definitely not just for the casual LSATer (does such a person exist?).
- The only expectation anyone has for these calls is for you to have fun and ask questions as you desire. We are just a bunch of LSAT lovers who gather via Skype and intellectually slaughter each test.
And we can do a Monday morning session so that we over all of our bases.
Edit: I'm going to have to just join in tomorrow. I won't be able to join tonight.
For December test takers , there's only one PT next week: PT 76. There's two times: Monday morning at 11:00am EST and Tuesday at 8:00pm EST.
This is not a time to ramp up the PTs but rather a time to taper down. The only thing to build, at this point, is confidence.
Also, there will be a pep rally on Wednesday at 8:00pm. Hope to see you there!
Here is the Feb Schedule:http://7sage.com/discussion/#/discussion/5520/february-test-takers-group-br-schedule-very-tentative