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Is my LG learning, time-efficient?

edited December 2015 in General 248 karma
So I'm doing something close to Pacificos strategy on LG. On really easy games, I don't even watch JYs explanation and I can do those twice in 15 minutes or less. On medium difficult games, I usually just watch JYs setup and don't bother on going thru every answer choice in videos bc I don't feel I need too. Once I get the setup, I'm fine on answer types. (Unless you'd recommend otherwise) Usually takes me about 20-30 minutes and for harder games, I'll watch the whole video and they can take me 30+ minutes. All in all, it takes me like 6 hours to do 3 sections effectively of LG.. How is that time wise, for effiency?


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    If you're talking about fool proofing 12 games in 6 hours then that's not too bad to start out, but eventually you should be finishing easy games in under 5 or 6 minutes, especially after the first time around. If you can finish a game with everything right in under the time it recommends on the videos then I generally don't bother fool proofing since that demonstrates you have a good handle. You want to economize your time by working to improve on your weaknesses. That doesn't mean drilling by game type, it just means not fool proofing stuff you have on lock. After watching a whole video there is no game that should take more than 15 minutes. And yeah I wouldn't bother watching past the setup unless there were some questions that really threw you for a loop.
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