PT62.S2.Q6 - although some nutritional facts

mitrakhanom1mitrakhanom1 Member
edited December 2015 in Logical Reasoning 62 karma
I did not understand how and why he figured out which parts of the sentences he could use to make conditional statements from the video. He did not use conditional logic for the first sentence even though it had key words "not" and "are".

His diagram had:

I don't understand how he took from the sentence, "many people would do so" and instead wrote LCI. I'm just confused.


  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    The first sentence is just context and does not have a place in our conditional chain. You are correct that the quantifier ELCI should "some" over to LCI. So replace ELCI --> LCI with ELCI -some-> LCI. Still ac(A) is correct. Nice spot!
  • mitrakhanom1mitrakhanom1 Member
    62 karma
    Thank you nye8870. Im still confused how you get LCI. And how you can conclude LCI--> IH.
  • nye8870nye8870 Alum
    1749 karma
    Having a caffeine content listing on soft drinks makes it easy for people to limit their intake. If limiting is something that is easy to do then people will do it. And if people do it (limit their intake) they will improve their health. It is all connected. Ac(A) if caffeine content listed then some people will improve their health. It’s really just A to B to C to D…from this chain we can conclude many things (one of which is if A then D). …. That is to say A triggers B which triggers C which triggers D. So if you declare A then the domino effect gets you to D. I hope this explanation is helpful. I would definitely review all lessons on conditional logic to polish your skills.
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