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Proctor app is awesome and sneaky!

artemisartemis Member
edited January 2016 in General 53 karma
I used the 7sage proctor app (android version) recently to do a PT and it's great!

I kept thinking "aw, I don't want to be doing this, it's not that important this early in my studying, I'll just abort and make this a casual practice", but the app is unrelenting. The announcer comes on and tells you to turn the page and get going and it motivated me to keep doing just one more section instead of giving up and soon they were all done!

Of course, I did this after having played around with the settings and voices on the app the previous day. I failed to notice I had set the elapsed time for the section to 28 minutes instead of 35! The app is very sneaky -- when you have it display an image of the analog watch face, the hands on the watch face even move faster so that it looks like you spend 35 minutes! I was relying on that watch face since the watch I ordered for the LSAT hasn't arrived yet. So it wasn't until the break that I noticed I had set the app to 28 minutes!

No wonder I had so much trouble completing the sections and even had to skip an entire logic game! And just a small brag: found out later that even with limiting myself to 28-minutes for 3 of the sections I still scored a 166 pre-BR. I'm shooting for 170s. LR sections are my forte: my pre-BR score was only -1 on both (including the one done in only 28 min). So my focus will be on LG (fun!) and RC (not so fun).


  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    Take it to the next level and use the Bruce voice!
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    Bruce voice is also my favorite! I'll be watching!!!
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