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Circling Questions on real exam

LeahaleeLeahalee Free Trial Member
in General 15 karma

Can you circle the question numbers on the scantron for later review during the real exam? Not sure if I would have to erase the circles once moving onto the next section or if I could just leave them. I would hate to be docked points for having an additional circle on the scantron.

Also, how much does a filled in bubble need to be erased? I'm waiting for my ticeronda pencils to arrive (after seeing a former great 7sage post) but in the meanwhile I have been using crappy pencils from Target that leave faded pencil marks still in the bubble, although I've erased so hard that the scantron bubble itself is nearly missing. Is this a problem? How sensitive is the machine that reads the scantron?

I haven't taken a scantron exam in 10 years.



  • Nicole HopkinsNicole Hopkins Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    4344 karma
    @Leahalee said:
    Can you circle the question numbers on the scantron for later review during the real exam?
    No—this would be a "stray mark." I personally circle the Q in the booklet and then fold the page over at the bottom a bit (dog eared).
    @Leahalee said:
    How sensitive is the machine that reads the scantron?

    Don't worry about these tiny details so much ... You'll be fine with the Ticonderogas.

    Chill a bit :)
  • LeahaleeLeahalee Free Trial Member
    15 karma
    I watched 'The Paper Chase' yesterday... I'm glad that there are people honest enough to say, "Chill the ___ DOWN!" when a friendly reminder is needed. Thanks Nicole! : )
  • LSATislandLSATisland Free Trial Inactive Sage
    1878 karma
    Yes, @Leahalee circle the numbers in the actual preptest, not on the scranton, and refer back to those questions if you have time at the end to reevaluate your answer choices.

    I also really liked The Paper Chase. The TV series is sometimes overlooked, but it is really good too. Suits is a glamorized version of the real practice of law. The Paper Chase series does the same for law school, but in a good and sentimental way.
  • PacificoPacifico Alum Inactive ⭐
    8021 karma
    On the scantron I put a very small dot (think pencil point) to the left of the number of any question I circled in the test book. It is totally cool since it is not in the area of the bubbles and you won't get docked. That way when I finished it was super easy to jump back to circled questions.
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    I did the exact same thing as @Pacifico it didn't register as a stray mark at all.

    Be sure to practice that way as well.
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