PT62.S2.Q20 - astronomer: earlier estimates of the distances of certain stars

time_to_gotime_to_go Alum Member
edited February 2016 in Logical Reasoning 276 karma
I watched the video explanation for this, but I don't think I understood it 100%.

I think the author's logic is simplified as farther=brighter=younger but I don't quite understand how a brighter star is supposed to be younger. Is this true in real life? Ha..

Maybe I'm overthinking this problem..?


  • shizuokatwin379shizuokatwin379 Alum Member
    95 karma
    What you have to ask yourself in this question is how the astronomer is claiming that the stars, from his hypothesis, could resolve the conflict - or, what would make them different from the stars in the earlier estimates?

    What is missing is a way for his explanation to make the stars younger. The two differences he states are that they are 1) farther away, and 2) must thus be much brighter. So which answer choice ties one of these two differences to the stars being younger?

    C - The brighter a star is, the younger it is. - Thus if they must be much brighter than previously thought, and a much brighter star is much younger, then his explanation dissolves the discrepancy.

    -- That's how I got the answer anyways
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