Proctors: 6 to 7 Proctors all around the room
Facilities: Osgoode Law School
What kind of room: Mock Trial Room
How many in the room: approximately 100
Desks: Long forum desks with room for one person in between every test taker
Left-handed accommodation: N/A
Noise levels: Low (However, there was a ventilator running due to lack of windows to circulate air in the room which can be distracting to the ones close to it)
Parking: Available close by the building, $6-7 dollar flat rate on weekends
Time elapsed from arrival to test: approximately 25 to 30 mins. Smooth transition.
Irregularities or mishaps: A student didn't receive a writing section paper by the time we got to it and had to wait for the student to be accommodated. Many students felt that Section 3 was cut short so they allowed 2 minutes extra.
Other comments: Compared to a previous facility (Madonna Catholic Secondary School), much efficient administering of the test overall.
Would you take the test here again? Yes
Date[s] of Exam[s]: February 2016