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Question about writing sample

Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
in General 2098 karma
The law school I am applying does not accept transcripts through LSDAS and do not ask me to register for the service, they only ask for LSAC account number to check LSAT score. Can the law school see my writing sample in other ways (e.g online) if no document is sent to them by LSAC?


  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28031 karma
    I would assume LSAC would make your writing sample available along with your score. For the most part though, it’s my understanding that nobody reads them anyway.
  • runiggyrunruniggyrun Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2481 karma
    I'm pretty sure LSAC releases your writing sample along with the score, so they will most likely see it. As for whether or not they do read it, from what I've been able to find online, they tend to look at the samples of internationally educated students more than they do for US students, just to make sure the applicant is able to write in English at the level required for a law school student. Then again, a lot of schools require the TOEFL for internationally educated students, so maybe they don't want to bother reading the writing sample themselves....
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @runiggyrun and @"Can’t Get Right" Thank you for your responses, the writing part is ok with me but I got spelling problem; do you think it may reduce my chances if they notice it? the uni requires IELTS but they waived for me as I graduate from a British university.
  • runiggyrunruniggyrun Alum Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2481 karma
    I don't think they expect perfection in spelling - it's likely understood that as a lawyer you will be typing things up and using a spell checker. They are more interested in seeing that you are able to express your ideas coherently in writing, with a good command of vocabulary and proper phrase structure. Based on your postings here you should be fine :-)
  • Not Ralph NaderNot Ralph Nader Alum Member Inactive Sage Inactive ⭐
    2098 karma
    @runiggyrun thanks for the comment, it gives me some hope :)
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