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Study advice

DJ JohnsonDJ Johnson Alum Member
in Logic Games 44 karma
Hey guys, I'm currently in the middle of studying for my first LSAT in September and everyone I know that is currently in law school advised me to use 7sage for the games instead of the Powerscore Logic Games Bible, does this sound true to you?

In other words, can I completely do away with reading the book and attempt to study from the Logic Game Explanations on 7sage? If so, how would I do that, or is there a better way that I should go about studying for these games that anyone advises?

Thanks for the help in advance!!


  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma
    If you arent going to purchase 7Sage then I would read the PS books and watch the games to see what method works best for you. I do feel that you should learn from one, so I would either add the starter and go through that (I'd say review it all no just games). But if youre not going to by 7Sage, then I think you still need something more than just the explanations so you have an idea of the best strategies for games.

  • SprinklesSprinkles Alum Member
    11542 karma
    If you absolutely cannot purchase a 7sage pack then read the trainer and when you finish the book begin PTing.
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