Sub-170 score on PT 76

blah170blahblah170blah Alum Inactive ⭐
edited August 2016 in General 3545 karma
Man, I got my first sub-170 PT score in months and I'm feeling really defeated. Did anyone else find the first LR section to be extremely difficult? I haven't missed more than 3 questions in an LR section since I started studying again in June. Am I going crazy? BLEGHHHHHHHHH


  • Accounts PlayableAccounts Playable Live Sage
    3107 karma
    Eh, it happens. I had my worst PT score in like 5 months a few weeks out from the June test.
  • combsnicombsni Free Trial Member
    652 karma
    I thought the first LR section was moderately difficult (-4) and I changed my answers from the right to wrong on two of them. It could have something to do with how easy LG was. Personally, this was my 2ND best PT
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    Don't sweat it! Especially if you have been studying a long time. The more tests you take, the greater your odds that you're going to drop the ball on one of them. It's just odds... Sometimes your mind isn't in the zone or one of a myriad of other factors could be the reason(s) you missed a few extra.
  • lsat2016lsat2016 Free Trial Member
    488 karma
    @blah170blah yes, i found the LR1 very difficult the first time I did PT-76. I missed -5 in LR1 and -2 in LR2 when i took it as a fresh PT.
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