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character, fitness, and parking tickets that I do not remember

esteeroseesteerose Alum Member
edited September 2016 in General 382 karma
I am filling out applications on lsac that require "traffic violations and parking tickets". Being 37 and have lived in many different places, I have no way of recalling all of these! I have even gotten traffic citations in the mail for up to 5 years prior that I didn't realize I had.

Also, I never paid a parking ticket on a Navy base in San Diego (circa 2010). Nothing happened. Can they tell? I have no idea even who to pay for was issued by some agency that I also do not recall the name of.

I guess I should delete this post.


  • Nanchito-1-1Nanchito-1-1 Alum Member
    1762 karma
    bumping this!!!
  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    edited September 2016 3197 karma
    @esteerose said:
    "traffic violations and parking tickets".
    Are you sure they are asking about parking tickets? Usually they use language that excludes parking tickets and it focuses on any moving violations (and beyond). But maybe this is unique to this school.
    @esteerose said:
    I have even gotten traffic citations in the mail for up to 5 years prior that I didn't realize I had.
    I would try to discover as many of these as possible. You can ask the DMV/MVD for your driving record, or you can run a basic background check on yourself, and they will all appear.

    Also double check the language of what the school is asking for. I just pulled this from a schools page:


    Excluding parking violations, have you ever been cited (including the paying of fines, even as a juvenile), detained, arrested, formally accused, or prosecuted for the violation of any law?

    You must disclose each instance even though the charges may have been dismissed or you were acquitted or allowed to plead nolo contendere or an adjudication was withheld, or you were pardoned or a conviction was reversed, set aside or vacated, or the record sealed or expunged and regardless of whether you have been told you do not need to disclose such an instance. You must provide documentation of each instance.

    So for this school, you would have to disclose every ticket (other than parking tickets) and any other violation of the law for which you had been cited.

    This can be an issue when it comes time for C&F with the Bar as they "As part of your bar exam application, many states ask that you submit a copy of your law school application. The State Bar’s Character and Fitness Committee will compare your answers to its questions with those provided in your law school application. Discrepancies can result in adverse consequences, so it is imperative that the information you provide on your law school application is accurate and complete. If your answers on your law school application are inconsistent with those on your bar exam application, the Board of Bar Examiners will likely initiate a more intensive review of your file.
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