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BR Study Groups

tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
in General 2573 karma
I have a few questions for the regular BR folks. I think I need to implement these BR calls into my studies if only to keep me on track with PT. I've only attended maybe 2 calls because I didn't feel like I was benefiting. Not that the group is useless, it's just that I was having a hard time following I guess. I'll explain because that didn't even may sense as I was typing it. When I complete the test I come to the BR session with the questions that I've circled and still had issues with during my own BR. This is where my issue begins. When going over my question with the group I have no idea what or why I was thinking what I was thinking during the PT or BR. Going over the stimulus and AC seem rushed because you can't hold up everybody for 5 mins on your question especially if you're the only one with an issue on that question. Eventually someone tells you why the right AC is right, but I'm not able to digest that at that moment. Yes I could write down why I chose my AC and read that during the session but I just have a hard time truly comprehending the right and wrong AC when I don't really remember the stimulus. Does this sound similar for anyone else? What do the regulars do to prepare for BR calls?


  • Anna MarieAnna Marie Alum Member
    210 karma
    Do you BR the test on your own before the call starts? If not, I would definitely recommend doing that. I make a word document and for each question I circled I find the premise and conclusion of the argument and type up a detailed analysis of each answer choice. If I end up thinking what I initially chose during the timed PT is incorrect, I'll analyze why that is and "make the case" for the answer I think is correct. I'll also try to think back on what my process was during the PT (rushed for time? Didn't understand the stimulus? Misread something?) and make note of that where possible. Doing this before the call really helps me articulate what I'm confused about. Also, don't be shy if you need more time on the call to understand a question/concept... These calls are supposed to be for people at all levels of prep! Even if you think you are the only one who had trouble with an aspect of a specific question, usually it's the case that drawing attention to it is beneficial to everyone.
  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27891 karma
    Hey, glad to see this post. The BR calls have been incredibly helpful for me, and always looking for ways to improve.

    So I know you're a veteran on here, so when's the last call you attended? They've evolved quite a bit, so I hope the newer groups are more conducive to what you're looking for out of a group. When I first took over as BR Group Leader, I shared a lot of your same concerns.

    So to address a few of your specific points:
    Going over the stimulus and AC seem rushed because you can't hold up everybody for 5 mins on your question especially if you're the only one with an issue on that question.
    So in the current group, I don't think we've ever finished a question in 5 minutes, lol. We frequently spend a half hour or more on individual questions, so no need to feel this way. It is much better to go in depth on fewer questions than to skim over more questions. If we don't finish or if people need to leave early, no problem.
    Eventually someone tells you why the right AC is right, but I'm not able to digest that at that moment.
    So, I'm totally with you on this. These days, we really discourage explaining the right answer to someone trying to work through it. What we do now is try to create a dialogue. Instead of explaining the answer to someone who may be struggling, we try to walk them through it, ask the right questions, and allow them to arrive at understanding through their own efforts. We try to get people to the "Ah-Ha!" moment on every question.

    And it's more of a personal preference, but I do like to do an individual BR before the calls. This lets the group calls take on a new dynamic. For me it becomes a supplement, it goes above and beyond the individual BR. I've also found that helping someone through a question I struggled with does more to reinforce my understanding than anything else. I think the questions I've learned best are those that I struggled with and ultimately got during my individual BR, which I then helped someone through in Group BR.

    Another reason I like to do an individual BR is that BR really is one of the most labor intensive parts of all of this. Getting that aspect of BR out of the way really allows me to enjoy the group. For me, it becomes almost an LSAT centered social engagement. That sounds kinda lame when I say it out loud, lol, but that really has been an important part of it for me. The LSAT is as socially and emotionally brutal as it is intellectually, and it's always nice to meet up with people who understand. I really do feel like all of the regulars in the group are legit friends at this point.

    Anyway, I hope this answers your questions and alleviates some of your concerns. We'll be taking a week off after this Saturday and then a new schedule will be posted and we'll pick back up from there. Hope to see you there!
  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    Thx guys! @"Cant Get Right" @MoralVacuum I do do my own BR because the call would just seem like watching another video or listening to another lecture. I wouldn't get the same benefits without it. I haven't joined a call since this summer when JY was hosting a bit. I used to BR with a guy on here and I did write out my thought process on my circled questions but I just thought writing out what I want to discuss was taking time away from actually studying. without doing so it was kind of a disaster though. I would take the PT one day then BR the next and either write out everything then or come back later. Of course, later never happened most times. I was either not having enough time to do everything before the call (with the guy and the group calls) or just really forgetting what caught me up because I did the PT too far ahead of the call. Like maybe 3-4 days. I guess I have to just do better planning here. You guys have given me some things to think about. I really want to join the calls just because I think hearing other's perspectives are valuable!
  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma
    I also didn't know the calls were lasting that long. That's not a bad thing! Whatever it takes!
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    @tanes256 Yes the BR calls have evolved immensely with a lot of support from @"Cant Get Right" and other participants. Personally, I have worked really hard to make it less of a lecture and more interactive emulating the Webinars especially Jimmy Dahroug's tutoring style @"Quick Silver. Everyone is involved in supporting the person to actually work through the stimulus, understand argument structure and anticipate answer choices when possible. We have all learned so much from different people's strengths/weaknesses that has helped everyone on every level of abilities.
    I really hope you will give it a shot:)

    I completely agree that it is valuable to personally BR the PT is possible before the call but not necessary:)
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