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Fool Proofing Logic Games from PT's 1-36...Should I BR??

in General 308 karma
So my issue is that I'm trying to raise my score from a 160 to 165 by December and am focusing on the games for a few weeks to do this. My question is just that when I do these games, should i just be doing them over and over again until i perfect all the inferences within the time limit, or should i be BR'ing before looking to the videos for explanations? What i've been doing so far is doing each game timed and then looking to the videos for explanations on the ones i missed. Then i put the game away for a few days and try it again a few days later and see if i can make the inferences i missed the first time around within the suggested target time.(I usually score anywhere between 17-20 on the LG section during PTs so I'm trying to get as close to perfect on the games as i can.)


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    I would say to BR them first and try to examine your diagramming skills, inference making skills, and your thought process as you approach the questions.

    Then I would watch the videos and try to memorize the inferences, then repeat the game.

    However, if you truly get stuck on a game, don't feel bad for just watching the explanation. Sometimes I get stuck and need to watch the video or else I waste too much time.
  • 308 karma
    @"Alex Divine" Yeah especially in the early tests, i ran across a couple games that weren't very familiar and i had never seen them in recent PTs so those were a bit of a struggle. I've done PTs 1-8 so far and am planning to go back and redo all the ones i did not get perfect the first time around after i get done with PT 10. Going forward, I'm going to try to BR them as much as i can. I just didn't know if BR would really help with LG or not. I was just planning on doing them over and over until i perfected all of them. But I just want to say that you're always on here responding to things i post dude. I appreciate your help.
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Artak Mamikonyan" said:
    Going forward, I'm going to try to BR them as much as i can. I just didn't know if BR would really help with LG or not. I was just planning on doing them over and over until i perfected all of them. But I just want to say that you're always on here responding to things i post dude. I appreciate your help.
    Sounds like you got it! With LG consistency is key - but I promise it will all "click" soon if you keep going.

    No prob dude! I actually love the LSAT and the community on here, so it really is something I enjoy!
  • 308 karma
    @"Alex Divine" I'm for sure going to keep going man. Im so motivated to eventually get my goal score. I'm just trying to make sure i do all the right things so i can give myself the best chance at improving.

    For sure man. I think that's so dope. We're all working towards beating the same test so I love seeing people helping each other out on here all the time.
  • hazelnut13hazelnut13 Alum Member
    244 karma
    @"Artak Mamikonyan" Hi Artak, I feel like we are in the exact same situation right now! I tried going through the really early PTs for the LG sections but i didn't feel like they were helpful because the games are so different from the recent PTs. I started working on PT 36's games and I've been doing the fool proof method but I have not tried BRing. Maybe I should try that out!

    You should keep us updated on your progress ^_^
  • zhm222006zhm222006 Free Trial Member
    2 karma
    Hello everyone. I wish someone can help me with LG. I have done PT1-77 for 4 times (LG part only). And for 90% of these PTs games, I can finish them within 30 minutes. But when I went to the Sep. test, I actually just finished 1-3 games. With game 3 very uncertain and game 4 blanked. I may retake Dec. test but really do not know how to improve my LG? Any advice is welcome. Thank you!
  • 308 karma
    @hazelnut13 haha i definitely will. So far, i've gone through PTs 1-8. I do 2-3 Pts a day. Once i do PTs 9 and 10 today, I'm planning on going back and redoing all the ones i did not perfect the first time around from PTs 1-10. Im hoping that if i keep doing this for all of them until PT 36, ill see an improvement. Im also for sure going to try to BR more often because who knows, it might help. What are you scoring on LG? Did you see any improvement?
  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma
    @"Artak Mamikonyan" said:

    For sure man. I think that's so dope. We're all working towards beating the same test so I love seeing people helping each other out on here all the time.
    Absolutely my friend! That is why I love the 7Sage community. I get encouraged rather than discouraged when I need help!

    FWIW, I sucked at LG right up until the day I was good. It all the sudden clicked one day after 6 weeks of fool-proofing tons of games. I never got faster until I was good either. LG was so weird for me in that way, lol.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    edited September 2016 5120 karma
    Great advice! For fool-proofing LG, I time the games with stopwatch, then do it untimed, then watch the video & retake timed. Rinse & Repeat the game over consecutive days until mastered and then take it again a week later. I keep track of the games that consistently caused problems and revisit them on an "off" PT day.

    As you go through the PT process, start to Fool-Proof the LGs from those tests. Although 1-35 are not exactly representative of the current LG other than a few weird games brought back, I have found them helpful to drill conditional logic since it was a weakness especially in my early prep.

    Edited to add: Getting more proficient in conditional logic really helped me especially on current In/Out games:)
  • 308 karma
    @"Alex Divine" I'm gonna keep doing these until that day happens for me one day then lol.

    @twssmith What exactly do you mean by proficient in conditional logic? like to memorize for example "unless" is negative sufficient? Or how do you mean?
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    Either/Or, Not Both, etc type of rules and the inferences that can be made on different game boards based on the setup.
  • 308 karma
    @twssmith do you remember what lessons game board set ups are under? That might be a good idea.
  • twssmithtwssmith Alum
    5120 karma
    It is not specific to a game board setup, the concepts are inherent throughout LG:)

    And my favorite:)

    Being able to recognize when conditional rules trigger to close off an In/Out game has made for significant improvements in my LG scores:)
  • 308 karma
    @twssmith Oh okay I know what you're saying now. Yeah, i'll definitely review those. My issue usually happens to be careless errors under the time pressure, which usually stems from a game board that could have been written out better. I struggle with coming up with the best game board for any given game at times... So although I'll get the answers correct, my game board sometimes isn't the best way to go about solving a certain game, which makes me lose a point or two.
  • 308 karma
    That's why I'm trying to do as many games as i can and fool proof them all. That way, if i see enough of similar types of games, i can start figuring out which game boards work best, etc.
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