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Need suggestions for RC

hongsophia009hongsophia009 Free Trial Member
in General 49 karma
Hi, all! Do you have some suggestions for RC, I cannot remember the content after I finished the reading and cannot overcome the questions, thank you!


  • notguilty90notguilty90 Free Trial Member
    56 karma

    I just answered a similar question, so I decided to copy it here as it's relevant...
    I was personally stuck on Cracking the RC code for a while. I used all sorts of methods; mostly concerned with coding different things (boxes, circles, etc.). However, recently I started treating passages as interesting articles and stopped underlining, and rather just took a second after each paragraph to analyze what I just read. I started to see that I comprehended better since I did not stop every 2 second to underline or stress over missing things! So I would read the whole thing with a faster than average speed, once I'm done, I would go over it quickly to recap the structure (this usually takes 3.5-4 mins) and then I attack the question. Something I was missing most of the time was speed speed speed! You have to hustle your way through questions... time yourself and aim for 30-40" per long ones, 20-30" for medium ones, and 15-25" for shorter ones. Once you get a sense of appropriate speed but the timer away and relax and do your best. My time is still not within these standards, but now I finish passages in the 8-9 minute mark and get to do all 4 passages with around -1 to -2 on each (total 18-22). This has been huge for me; I used to do 2-3 passages only with very bad accuracy ending up with 9/27 on the section.

    I feel like RC has been made portrayed as this beast for all of us and we spend so much time trying to CRACK IT! But it's really not that bad and a minimalist method have worked better than other methods for me.

    Good luck :)
  • SamiSami Yearly + Live Member Sage 7Sage Tutor
    10801 karma
    @notguilty90 said:
    recently I started treating passages as interesting articles and stopped underlining, and rather just took a second after each paragraph to analyze what I just read.
    I second this advice. Stopping after each paragraph to quickly summarize the main point helps you stay engaged and remember the passage MP/Structure more. It also helps to avoid the "oh crap, what did I just read" moment that can happen after you are done reading the whole passage. :D
  • hongsophia009hongsophia009 Free Trial Member
    49 karma
    Thank you so much, i will practice it
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