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First Diagnostic!!!

Bobby LuuBobby Luu Alum Member
edited January 2018 in General 88 karma

I just took my first diagnostic test cold today and scored 144. I have a history of doing bad on standardized tests (nerves, lack of confidence, getting distracted, etc.) so I'm surprised that I even got a 144. I will be taking the September LSAT so I have quite a lot of time to improve. My top schools include BU, BC, Fordham, and GWU.

What do you guys recommend my first step be from here on out? I purchased the LSAT Trainer already and I am going to start the free trial on here before I upgrade. Any tips/advice/encouragement would be awesome!


  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Congrats on your first step! I have three major tips

    1.) don’t use your score as an indicator of improvement, I promise even if it doesn’t move you are getting better.

    2.) trust the process, I highly reccomend 7Sage Ultimate+, it is a fully comprehensive package. If not, make sure you are deliberate with your studying and materials.

    3.) don’t start taking a ton of PT’s right away. Get use to the test first and your strategies, drill as needed.

    You’ll kick the tests ass I promise :)

  • tringo335tringo335 Alum Member
    3679 karma

    Great work on the first step! I too started with the LSAT Trainer and it was a great resource. 7Sage’s videos and interactive community are taking me to the next level. If you can, start off with the starter package and upgrade from there. Hone down your goal schools so you can determine your goal score. Then get to work :) this test is totally beatable!

  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Congrats on your first step! I have three major tips

    1.) don’t use your score as an indicator of improvement, I promise even if it doesn’t move you are getting better.

    2.) trust the process, I highly reccomend 7Sage Ultimate+, it is a fully comprehensive package. If not, make sure you are deliberate with your studying and materials.

    3.) don’t start taking a ton of PT’s right away. Get use to the test first and your strategies, drill as needed.

    You’ll kick the tests ass I promise :)

    This sums up everything!!!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @"Bobby Luu" said:
    I just took my first diagnostic test cold today and scored 144. I have a history of doing bad on standardized tests (nerves, lack of confidence, getting distracted, etc.) so I'm surprised that I even got a 144. I will be taking the September LSAT so I have quite a lot of time to improve. My top schools include BU, BC, Fordham, and GWU.

    What do you guys recommend my first step be from here on out? I purchased the LSAT Trainer already and I am going to start the free trial on here before I upgrade. Any tips/advice/encouragement would be awesome!

    Nice work!

    It's also great that you're giving yourself plenty of time to improve. I think that's the most important thing you can do for yourself at this point.

    I would recommend going through The Trainer and 7Sage one at a time. The Trainer is good for giving some overarching strategies for the test, but I think 7Sage is better for refining your approach. Take your time and only focus on trying to learn the most basic fundamentals at first. To do well on the LSAT, you really only have to get good at a few major skills and, if you can master those, then you will be good to go come test day.

    Looks like depending on your GPA you'll want a mid-to-high 160s LSAT to have a great shot at the schools you listed. I have no doubt that will hard work, 7Sage, and conscientious studying you can reach that goal by Sept.

    Good luck!

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Also, maybe see about the ThinkingLSAT podcast.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @lsatplaylist said:
    Also, maybe see about the ThinkingLSAT podcast.

    Are there any episodes you'd recommend checking out? I've listened to a couple but they always seem so random, haha. I need something new to listen to during my commutes to and from work.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    You're right that some of the stuff's random. I tend to listen to them in portions because some of them are like 90 minutes. A recent one talked about changes to 509 reports; I'll get back this with some other episodes as well.

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