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I got into my dream school, and so can you

sophie74sophie74 Free Trial Member

Okay, so there are a lot of posts about this out there. But it's really, really, really true. I know how hard the LSAT grind is and how much it sucks and how much you want it to be over, over, over. I was there too. I was devastated when I got my score back from the June 2017 LSAT and it was not the score I wanted. It could have gotten me into a good school, but my dream is/was NYU and it wasn't going to get me in at NYU. Not with any shot at money, at least, and because I want to go into public interest, I need a shot at money. So I buckled down, studied for 2 more months, and I blew it out of the water in September.

Let me tell you, I started out not being able to do a single game. I would MAYBE get the first question when you could brute force it. Other than that, everything was a total mystery and I did not think I'd ever be able to solve the games, let alone get a perfect score in the games.

This test is so beatable, but you HAVE to put the work in. I started studying in June 2016, with a 156. I was finally done with it in September 2017, with a 174. If I can do it, so can you, and so can anyone. This community, the forum and the explanations are invaluable and I credit them with so much of my success. I am happy to share any tips, though I don't think I have anything revolutionary to share.



  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Congrats on the improvement and the admission!!

  • kimpg_66kimpg_66 Alum Member
    1617 karma

    Ah man, congratulations! That's fantastic!

  • Radhika.Radhika. Member
    214 karma


  • BroccoliBroccoli Core Member
    352 karma

    Congratulations.. I wish I can post this thread one day like you.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    Yes! Yes! Yes! We can never hear too many of these stories. Congratulations to you - your hard work has earned you that spot at an incredible school.

    94 karma

    Wow congratulations!!!! Thank you for sharing this!

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    Congrats and thank you for sharing you story and keep us motivated!

    Enjoy NYU (maybe I'll see you there in 2019?) :)

  • Kermit750Kermit750 Alum Member
    edited January 2018 2124 karma

    Yes! Yes! Congratulations! This is terrific.

  • Bobby LuuBobby Luu Alum Member
    88 karma

    Congrats, that's big time!!!

  • stepharizonastepharizona Alum Member
    3197 karma


  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Nice work! Hard work pays off.

  • thisisspartathisissparta Alum Member
    1363 karma


  • akistotleakistotle Member 🍌🍌
    9382 karma


  • smartaone2smartaone2 Alum Member
    513 karma

    Congratulations to you and THANKS for the encouragement!!!

  • ecarr_12ecarr_12 Live Member
    187 karma

    Wow amazing improvement, congratulations !!!

  • NovLSAT2019NovLSAT2019 Alum Member
    620 karma

    Congratulations!! I love these posts!!

  • cgracia12cgracia12 Alum Member
    737 karma

    That's awesome, congratulations! Would you mind sharing what you did differently in those 2 months to get you in to that high score? @sophie74

  • sophie74sophie74 Free Trial Member
    373 karma

    Wow, thanks to everyone for all the kind words. That is what makes 7Sage so great!!

    @cgracia12 -- I am so sorry for the confusion, but I actually did not increase that much in 2 months. It was over a year or more. My baseline score was 156 in June 2016, and I didn't score the 174 until September 2017.

    I am happy to share any advice if you're still interested knowing that :)

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    That's a very impressive jump. Congratulations!

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    28066 karma

    Nice!! NYU is incredible, and hard to beat for public interest. Great program, great LRAP, it will open a lot of doors to you! Congrats!

  • inactiveinactive Alum Member
    12637 karma

    Wow, congrats!!

  • GBC_2025GBC_2025 Live Member
    25 karma

    This is amazing and truly inspiring! Congrats! Hope to have an update like this by mid summer. Will keep you all posted!

  • awyeah26awyeah26 Alum Member
    75 karma

    This is the Tuesday morning motivation I need. Thank you for sharing.

  • cadebiyi1cadebiyi1 Alum Member
    37 karma

    wow!!! super thrilled for you !!!! such great news and motivation.

  • TenS1867TenS1867 Member
    2 karma

    Incredible! Such an inspiring improvement. Our starting points are about the same, so, question, how many hours per week/day did you put in?


  • dfletch5dfletch5 Alum Member
    260 karma

    I am so excited for you! You deserve it!

  • sophie74sophie74 Free Trial Member
    373 karma

    Hey @ten_malone ... It's hard to put an exact number on it, because I was working at the same time. But per day, probably 2-4. And two tests a week or so for a while. I would probably say it came out to 20 or so hours a week.

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