Query failed: connection to failed (errno=111, msg=Connection refused). When you got stuck on one LG Q - 7Sage Forum

When you got stuck on one LG Q

jaylenosgaragejaylenosgarage Alum Member

Should you skip and return after finishing the whole section (finish other games first) or should you return to it after completing other questions in THAT game?


  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    Dependent on the question. You have to make a judgmental call. If you feel more confident in attacking the question after you've answered the other questions in the section, go straight for it. If you don't think the other questions gave you additional insight, then you need to trust your intuition on whether you should skip the question, and head to another game.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    It depends. If the work I've done on the other questions in that game can help me answer the question I was stuck on, then I may attempt it at the end of that particular game.

    If I was just stuck. period. Then I think coming back at the end of the entire section is a good move. One, you want to get as many other correct answers as you can. Two, sometimes just some distance from a hard question is a good thing. When we just keep re-reading/trying to re-do the question we get stuck on, we're likely missing an inference or misunderstanding what it's asking us. I find the more distance I put between myself and questions like these, the better my chances are at having a breakthrough are when I return.

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    Usually when I get stuck on one question, that leads me to believe I am missing something and potentially screwed up other Qs. Still working on getting great at LG but when I am stuck one on I curse myself and check the inferences. My answer applies to FP so far. If this happens on a timed real life test, then I'm doomed. I'll get kicked out or just die there.


    Good question though. If I skip it though I'm afraid that all other Qs are incorrect. Personally I'd be inclined to quickly run through the inferences in hope of finding a mistake in a short time.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    I'd make sure to circle it so you BR it. I think the answer to your question probably relates to how much time's left.

  • tanes256tanes256 Alum Member
    2573 karma

    @jaylenosgarage I usually come back at the end especially if it's those substitute questions. I prefer to come back at the end so that I can clear my mind of the game. Lots of times I've noticed that I diagrammed something wrong or misinterpreted a rule or something and I'm stuck with it in my head while I'm working on the game even though it's wrong but I'm able to quickly see my error when I come back with a clear mindset so I'm able to get the answer quicker.

  • jaylenosgaragejaylenosgarage Alum Member
    70 karma

    @10000019 @"Alex Divine" @"sbc.mom_3x" @lsatplaylist @tanes256

    Thank you all for the great tips!!! Definitely going to try your suggestions. Good luck to you all.

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