Main Point - Necessary to scan through all answer choices?

Hi, I was wondering whether it is advisable/necessary to scan through all of the answer choices in a Main Point question, instead of just looking for the answer (which will be a paraphrase of the main conclusion that you already identified in the stimulus)?


  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited January 2018 23929 karma

    @"Creative Username" said:
    Hi, I was wondering whether it is advisable/necessary to scan through all of the answer choices in a Main Point question, instead of just looking for the answer (which will be a paraphrase of the main conclusion that you already identified in the stimulus)?

    I think it's good form to at least look at all of the answer choices. Particularly if you're scoring in the 150s or low-160s. Once I have the MP in my head, I go into "hunt" mode to find the answer, but I always at least make sure to put eyes on the other ACs. Even if I don't read them entirely, I think the few seconds just to make sure are worth it.

  • Thanks so much for your response, @"Alex Divine" ! That's pretty much what I do right now (i.e. glance at the other choices), but I wasn't sure whether I was wasting precious time that could be used for other questions.


  • Seeking PerfectionSeeking Perfection Alum Member
    edited January 2018 4428 karma

    @"Creative Username" said:
    Hi, I was wondering whether it is advisable/necessary to scan through all of the answer choices in a Main Point question, instead of just looking for the answer (which will be a paraphrase of the main conclusion that you already identified in the stimulus)?

    Try both out. It depends how tight you are on time and how much more a one or two minutes could help you on the rest of the test. I would almost always have enough time so I would glance over them. However, if I was running behind on a section, I would sometimes skip the checking. It is definitely not neccessary to get them right, but it is an easy way to check pretty quickly.

  • @"Seeking Perfection" Thanks so much. That's great advice. That's why it's important to figure out your own speed and how much you can usually afford to spend on each section.

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