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Advice on how to handle a complication with application

LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage

I've posted about this before, but have hit yet another road block and need some advice on how to proceed.

Back Story:

  • A community college I attended 10 years ago had an error on my transcript that I did not catch until I already applied. They fixed these errors and it changed the way my transcript looked, they rushed the transcript to the LSAC where the LSAC processed it. However, the LSAC processed the transcript incorrectly and are going to take at least another week or two to resolve it.

I've sent one e-mail to the schools I applied to letting them know my transcripts would change after my CC sent the right one. The transcripts did change, just not accurately. So now there will be a SECOND change to the transcripts.

So this is where I am stuck, do I e-mail the schools again saying "oh sorry, something else is messed up now" or do I just wait for it to get completely resolved? (I have no idea how long that will take) Will schools just auto-reject me because of this? This is absolutely insane...

The diff in GPA is 2.83 vs 3.1x if it is done correctly.

This is absolutely killing me!


  • hawaiihihawaiihi Free Trial Member
    973 karma

    I don't think you would be amiss sending an email, ESPECIALLY since it wasn't you who messed up, it was LSAC. It's a big GPA difference, and in my mind, if I were an admissions officer and saw the GPA jump with no explanation, I would be confused. But if I knew that it was due to LSAC calculation errors and no fault of the candidate, I might be more understanding!

    Of course, that's just me, but that would be the route that I would take. If you do send that email, I would make it short, brief, and professional: "Dear Admissions Officer, I am writing to inform you of a second change to my transcript. Although my institution had fixed an error on my transcript, I have been notified that LSAC processed the transcript incorrectly. LSAC will be sending you the correct and final transcript shortly. I appreciate your patience."

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @hawaiihi said:
    I don't think you would be amiss sending an email, ESPECIALLY since it wasn't you who messed up, it was LSAC. It's a big GPA difference, and in my mind, if I were an admissions officer and saw the GPA jump with no explanation, I would be confused. But if I knew that it was due to LSAC calculation errors and no fault of the candidate, I might be more understanding!

    Of course, that's just me, but that would be the route that I would take. If you do send that email, I would make it short, brief, and professional: "Dear Admissions Officer, I am writing to inform you of a second change to my transcript. Although my institution had fixed an error on my transcript, I have been notified that LSAC processed the transcript incorrectly. LSAC will be sending you the correct and final transcript shortly. I appreciate your patience."

    Thanks! The issue is I am still unclear if the LSAC will actually change it. My school and the LSAC website says they should. They won’t confirm or deny if they will do the change for me though. They tell me I have to wait up to two weeks to hear back :/

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    I would call LSAC and ask if you can speak with someone / email (may be better to have it in writing) someone about the issue. Get firm dates on when this will be done. Then, after they have confirmed that they will fix the issue and have sent along a date, email your schools and tell them that there was an error (etc etc) which has been confirmed to be fixed on X date. Make sure it is CLEAR that the error was not done on your end (don't sound too whiney about it but just make sure the language you use does not imply anything close to YOU being the one at fault) When X date comes along, call or email those schools to confirm that the change has been made. Refer back to your earlier communications so they see that they were notified of this error early in the game and now the issue has been fixed. Note the GPA change when you confirm this information with them.

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    If you decide to go the email route (which I do recommend), stick to one email chain (as in do not start a new email once the first one is sent and replied to) so they can see the updates chronologically. It will make it easier to understand and keep track of, especially when you consider the fact that an admin is probably screening all of the emails and the admin person in the office can be several different people. The important thing here is to KEEP TRACK.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @mcglz_64 said:
    If you decide to go the email route (which I do recommend), stick to one email chain (as in do not start a new email once the first one is sent and replied to) so they can see the updates chronologically. It will make it easier to understand and keep track of, especially when you consider the fact that an admin is probably screening all of the emails and the admin person in the office can be several different people. The important thing here is to KEEP TRACK.

    Thanks, I've called the LSAC 2 days in a row, multiple times. They refuse to give me any exact day, they won't let me speak to anyone else, so I'm left with just knowing "it'll be addressed eventually" which is sorta annoying

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    That is really annoying. I would just do the above and email the schools then, and let them know that LSAC has refused to give you a date. Say you will keep track of it and will update as soon as you get any news. I'm sorry this happened but don't give up pursuing it! This is a pretty significant GPA difference and schools should know about it.

  • Paul CaintPaul Caint Alum Member
    3521 karma

    I would e-mail AND call just to confirm everything.

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    I would pay the $200-$300 to get an hour of consulting by a professional. You have a unique situation which would best be addressed by a pro.

  • Cant Get RightCant Get Right Yearly + Live Member Sage 🍌 7Sage Tutor
    27891 karma

    Well, the good news is your GPA will cross the 3.0 threshold. Whatever the situation, big improvement! I don't know what the right answer is on how to play this, but I'd probably email them and keep them up to date with the most accurate information, even if that information is somewhat annoying. Better to have them slightly annoyed at LSAC than misinformed about something as big as your GPA.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    23929 karma

    @10000019 said:
    I would pay the $200-$300 to get an hour of consulting by a professional. You have a unique situation which would best be addressed by a pro.

    Yeah this actually doesn't sound like a bad idea...

  • LCMama2017LCMama2017 Alum Member
    2134 karma

    @"Alex Divine" said:

    @10000019 said:
    I would pay the $200-$300 to get an hour of consulting by a professional. You have a unique situation which would best be addressed by a pro.

    Yeah this actually doesn't sound like a bad idea...

    Oh my gosh, you are not getting a break are you? I second @10000019. I hope this gets resolved to your benefit. LSAC is ridiculous for giving you the run around! I mean, this is your life!!

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    edited February 2018 5254 karma

    Can the registrar at the CC call the LSAC and then let you know what happens? I just saw your other message about calling the LSAC. I feel so bad for you as this sounds stressful.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @"Paul Caint" I have E-mailed and called. The LSAC still doesn't have my transcripts correct and I can't seem to get a hold of anyone that is willing to help!

    @10000019 @"Alex Divine" @LCMama2017 I considered it, but that is a lot of money. I've sent an e-mail to a few professionals to see what they think and gotten a little bit of advice. The LSAC is the single problem right now. I just can't win this cycle. Let's hope I can at least salvage one acceptance....

    @lsatplaylist I have, the school confirmed what I've said. I've read over the LSAC's policy multiple times. I know I'm 100% in the right. The only thing stopping it from getting fixed is that the LSAC refuses to communicate with me.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    @LSATcantwin, That's so frustrating. What are the deadlines?

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @lsatplaylist said:
    @LSATcantwin, That's so frustrating. What are the deadlines?

    I've already submitted my apps. I had to e-mail all the schools I applied to and apologize for the LSAC's error. I've called over 7 times in the past two days and I get no where.

  • AlexAlex Alum Member
    edited February 2018 23929 karma

    The LSAC is up there with the worst of the worst. The definition of luddites.

    Regardless, I think your cycle is going to turn up some good options. In the end, if it means your GPA will be higher, I think it's worth it.

  • westcoastbestcoastwestcoastbestcoast Alum Member
    3788 karma

    I agree with @10000019 . You need professional help!

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    How about maybe sending them a snail letter and getting an advisor to read it?

  • 1000001910000019 Alum Member
    3279 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    @"Paul Caint" I have E-mailed and called. The LSAC still doesn't have my transcripts correct and I can't seem to get a hold of anyone that is willing to help!

    @10000019 @"Alex Divine" @LCMama2017 I considered it, but that is a lot of money. I've sent an e-mail to a few professionals to see what they think and gotten a little bit of advice. The LSAC is the single problem right now. I just can't win this cycle. Let's hope I can at least salvage one acceptance....

    @lsatplaylist I have, the school confirmed what I've said. I've read over the LSAC's policy multiple times. I know I'm 100% in the right. The only thing stopping it from getting fixed is that the LSAC refuses to communicate with me.

    I know the price sucks. I didn't want to spend it either, but the comfort it brought me was worth the hassle. It sucks that LSAC isn't getting back to you as you really need to get your applications complete.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    @LSATcantwin, How's it going today?

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @lsatplaylist said:
    @LSATcantwin, How's it going today?

    I have never been so mad in my entire life. I've printed out their policy, I've quoted it. I've talked to at least 5 different people. They refuse to help me. They tell me they'll call back and don't. They send E-mails telling me it has "been resolved" and it hasn't. They tell me that they have a different policy that isn't listed online, which is unethical and unfair if it is true. They tell me they've sent letters that haven't been sent. They tell me their supervisors are in meetings.

    I have gotten no where since Monday. I'm remaining as calm as I possibly can given the circumstance but this is outrageous.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    @LSATcantwin, Yes, outrageous. Have you emailed ThinkingLSAT before? I wonder if they've been through something like this with their tutoring students. Yes, remain as calm as possible and of course we're here for you.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @lsatplaylist said:
    @LSATcantwin, Yes, outrageous. Have you emailed ThinkingLSAT before? I wonder if they've been through something like this with their tutoring students. Yes, remain as calm as possible and of course we're here for you.

    Thanks, I've contacted a consulting firm like @10000019 suggested. This has got completely out of hand. It is both unethical and wrong. If I am wrong, explain to me why I'm wrong and let me move on with my life. Don't just leave it vague and unexplained.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    @LSATcantwin, Here's hoping they help you solve the problem ASAP. Has the consultant sent you a communication yet? I hope so. As an analogy, this situation reminds me of threads from the past on student accommodations, and also ThinkingLSAT episodes that go into that process.

  • Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member
    877 karma

    @LSATcantwin Not sure where you live, but LSAC is located in Newtown, PA. If I were you, I would show up and refuse to leave until I speak to a supervisor who is going to make me a priority. In person results are almost always better than over the phone results.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @Sarah889 said:
    @LSATcantwin Not sure where you live, but LSAC is located in Newtown, PA. If I were you, I would show up and refuse to leave until I speak to a supervisor who is going to make me a priority. In person results are almost always better than over the phone results.

    I live in California. I've called every two hours for the past two days. I got them to finally commit to a time to call me back today. Hopefully this is resolved today.

  • Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member
    877 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @Sarah889 said:
    @LSATcantwin Not sure where you live, but LSAC is located in Newtown, PA. If I were you, I would show up and refuse to leave until I speak to a supervisor who is going to make me a priority. In person results are almost always better than over the phone results.

    I live in California. I've called every two hours for the past two days. I got them to finally commit to a time to call me back today. Hopefully this is resolved today.

    Yea good luck... California is a bit far for an impromptu LSAC walk in. You just have to be that squeaky wheel that calls every 20 minutes every day until it's satisfactorily resolved.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @Sarah889 said:

    @LSATcantwin said:

    @Sarah889 said:
    @LSATcantwin Not sure where you live, but LSAC is located in Newtown, PA. If I were you, I would show up and refuse to leave until I speak to a supervisor who is going to make me a priority. In person results are almost always better than over the phone results.

    I live in California. I've called every two hours for the past two days. I got them to finally commit to a time to call me back today. Hopefully this is resolved today.

    Yea good luck... California is a bit far for an impromptu LSAC walk in. You just have to be that squeaky wheel that calls every 20 minutes every day until it's satisfactorily resolved.

    That's what bothers me the most! If I am wrong, which I really don't think I am based on their policy, but if I am, take the freaking time to explain to me why. Don't leave me with vague answers, with no information and pray I will go away. I have literally put my life on hold for this, all 16 applications are not being reviewed, because I need the LSAC and CAS to do their jobs and explain the situation to me.


  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    edited February 2018 5254 karma

    @LSATcantwin, If you didn't get a waiver, maybe also politely mention that you paid them for these services.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @lsatplaylist said:
    @LSATcantwin, If you didn't get a waiver, maybe also politely mention that you paid them for these services.

    I will, I've calculated exactly how much I've paid (over a grand)....I have a feeling they are not going to call today though. This is the most unethical thing I've ever seen or faced.

  • Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member
    877 karma

    @LSATcantwin Dude I would be FREAKING OUT. Not only do the schools have to make admissions decisions, but scholarship decisions may be impacted too. I feel for you. At this point, all you can do is fight LSAC until you win. If they don't call you back today, I would seriously just not relent with the phone calls. I don't know if you have any friends/relatives that are lawyers, but maybe have someone do you a favor and sign a letter for you to send to LSAC to get their attention? Just an idea.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited February 2018 13286 karma

    @Sarah889 said:
    @LSATcantwin Dude I would be FREAKING OUT. Not only do the schools have to make admissions decisions, but scholarship decisions may be impacted too. I feel for you. At this point, all you can do is fight LSAC until you win. If they don't call you back today, I would seriously just not relent with the phone calls. I don't know if you have any friends/relatives that are lawyers, but maybe have someone do you a favor and sign a letter for you to send to LSAC to get their attention? Just an idea.

    If I need to I will push it that far. This is absolutely outrageous. I'm asking for them to treat me like a human and let me know what is going on WITH MY LIFE. Instead I'm being black listed and ignored by them. I fear I've been impolite to a few employees there because of how out of hand this has gotten, I've had to calm myself down a few times already.

    I've spent the past 7 years making up for my past. I joined the military, I got a 4.0 when I returned to school, I've gotten jobs in the field and volunteered, I studied for the LSAT for a year and a half. I have done EVERYTHING I could to make up for my mistakes. Just to have the LSAC put my entire life on hold.

    I can't even express what I am feeling, and my family and friends just say "oh well"

    Sorry to dump it on you guys.

  • Sarah889Sarah889 Alum Member
    877 karma

    @LSATcantwin No need to apologize. I imagine we are the only ones who can truly understand your situation...we know the stakes and what it means to each of us. I can only imagine how this has been for you. Just hang in there and keep fighting.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    @Sarah889, Yes, the free lawyer letter is a good idea if this needs to be done. @LSATcantwin, No worries. We feel your pain. Also, lots of stories about students going through the accommodations process were unfortunately similar to this.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    edited February 2018 13286 karma

    @lsatplaylist said:
    @Sarah889, Yes, the free lawyer letter is a good idea if this needs to be done. @LSATcantwin, No worries. We feel your pain. Also, lots of stories about students going through the accommodations process were unfortunately similar to this.

    FINALLY got to talk to someone. They were fairly polite - but I had lost it. She doesn't understand "where my frustration comes from." Even though they sent out an e-mail informing me that "everything was taken care of" only to find that it wasn't, I guess that isn't frustrating.

    They are working on it. Funny thing is, this all hinges on a conditional statement that the LSAC used in their policy I guess.

    Also, I feel completely terrible for being a pest to them. I feel guilty for being like this. I know I shouldn't, but I do.

    I also might have to file a dispute with the LSAC.

    I'm beginning to wonder if I should just give up on this all together and let them win.

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    Don't let them win! Are you crazy. Also do not feel bad - I can't believe the person you actually got to speak to was ignorant to "where your frustration came from" is she serious? I'm not done with applications yet but I calculated how much money I will spend out at the end of the day. It's A LOT. They owe you the service of getting these things right.

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    I don't actually mean you're crazy...but seriously do not let these people get the better of you. We are literally at their mercy when it comes to applying for law schools...the least they can do is their job.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @mcglz_64 said:
    I don't actually mean you're crazy...but seriously do not let these people get the better of you. We are literally at their mercy when it comes to applying for law schools...the least they can do is their job.

    I won't. I've just found out even more information that is complete BS based on what they told me on the phone. I was essentially lied to. Totally uncalled for.

    They told me that my community college included special notes that I can't see on my transcript.

    I called the community college and they told me that they do not include notes at all.

    So there is that.

  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma

    I’m so sorry to hear that it hasn’t been resolved. LSAC needs to get their act together! I’m sending positive vibes your way hoping that it’s resolved asap.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @Gladiator_2017 said:
    I’m so sorry to hear that it hasn’t been resolved. LSAC needs to get their act together! I’m sending positive vibes your way hoping that it’s resolved asap.

    It’s pretty bad. I feel guilty for being annoying and a jerk. I feel angry because they don’t tell me what’s going on. I feel impatient because my apps are all waiting on it. It’s a mess...all I can do is spend half my day arguing with the LSAC and not accomplishing anything.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    @LSATcantwin, Has anyone volunteered to write a letter to them for you?

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @lsatplaylist said:
    @LSATcantwin, Has anyone volunteered to write a letter to them for you?

    I talked with Spivey consulting. They helped me out. Basically they told me that the LSAC it total crap. The schools know that they are total crap, and that I'm doing everything I can. He told me to wait it out, get my answers back from schools, and if nothing works out this cycle, we will work together next cycle to get me into a law school. That was at least comforting.

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    Spivey is awesome! Glad they talked with you.

  • Gladiator_2017Gladiator_2017 Yearly Member
    1332 karma

    Don’t feel bad for firmly communicating with LSAC employees.

    I read somewhere that your law school application is your first case as a future lawyer. Your application is your case for why you should be admitted into x law school and you want to make sure it’s the strongest case possible. Advocate for yourself and do what it takes like you would for someone else. Sometimes it can spur a feeling of guilt to do so, but know that you’re doing what you have to do to effectively represent yourself.

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    Progress is finally being made! I got to file a dispute form today. They are going to upload the dispute form onto my applications so all the schools can see what is going on. That way the schools can see that it is the LSAC at fault and not me while we continue to resolve this issue.

  • Leah M BLeah M B Alum Member
    8392 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Progress is finally being made! I got to file a dispute form today. They are going to upload the dispute form onto my applications so all the schools can see what is going on. That way the schools can see that it is the LSAC at fault and not me while we continue to resolve this issue.

    YES!! That's what I'm talking about it! Getting so close. And if nothing else, schools can see what you are contesting and why, and that is at least half of the battle.

    Great work! Hang in there, man.

  • mcglz_64mcglz_64 Alum Member
    891 karma

    yay! Finally some progress and a way to hold LSAC accountable. Are they able to see that you filed a dispute form? I'm guessing so..?

  • LSATcantwinLSATcantwin Alum Member Sage
    13286 karma

    @mcglz_64 said:
    yay! Finally some progress and a way to hold LSAC accountable. Are they able to see that you filed a dispute form? I'm guessing so..?

    Yes, the schools will even get to read my complaint. They will see why I believe I'm right, and will get to see the LSAC's policies that prove I'm right. STILL hasn't changed my GPA though haha

  • thisisspartathisissparta Alum Member
    1363 karma

    @LSATcantwin said:
    Progress is finally being made! I got to file a dispute form today. They are going to upload the dispute form onto my applications so all the schools can see what is going on. That way the schools can see that it is the LSAC at fault and not me while we continue to resolve this issue.

    My heart goes out to you for having to confront and hop over all these obstacles; but I'm glad that progress is being made. I can only imagine how disheartening this might be. That said, I suppose this makes receiving an acceptance letter all the more sweeter.

    To reiterate everyone's sentiment - hang in there! We're all rooting for ya!

  • studyingandrestudyingstudyingandrestudying Core Member
    5254 karma

    @LSATcantwin, Good for you! Now hopefully you'll have a relaxing weekend.

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