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To all of you who are masters of SA's: do you diagram them on the actual exam? I feel that if I don't then, I won't get them correct. Should I diagram them on the exam, or do I just need more practice diagramming them in general
Better safe than sorry, no?
For me, it really depends on the level of difficulty. In most cases, if I read the passage carefully, then I can usually pick out the gap. I'll then make a little annotation in the passage to highlight the gap, and then I will move onto the ACs to find a choice that will allow the conclusion to be properly drawn. In such instances, I find that the diagramming can sometimes become both time consuming and confusing.
For more difficult SA questions, however, I will often need to draw a crude diagram to the side of the passage. For instance, when the AC is describing a negation that allows a postive conclusion to be drawn.
I've found one of the most helpful forms of practice for tackling SA questions is to write down the passage in a document (I use Evernote) and write up a structural outline in my own words. Oftentimes, SA question passages reuse argumentative structures, meaning that reviewing past structures allows you to more easily conceptualize the structure mentally and then anticipate a correct AC.
It takes time, but it's definitely worth it!
Keep up the great work!
After practicing, you will be able to do it without diagramming.
I write arrows on the stimulus and undeline the sufficient and necessary condition: "For something to be successful, → it must B" and do everything in my head like:
"Something is not successful
Something is A
success → B
Ok, now we need A → /B"
The thing is, don't try to take the test like a master until you have the skill set to back it up. One of the worst mistakes I've made in my prep was trying to take sections/PTs like someone who is scoring a 180 when I was far from it.
Ideally, you don't want to be diagramming out SA's on the test. I think if you can get really good at them, you won't need to diagram 99% of them. Although there was a tough one about sentient beings on PT62? that I had to diagram... But that's the only one I can remember having to diagram in all the PTs I've taken.
Yup! You got it! Tons of practice diagramming SAs will help you achieve a level of mastery. You've got the Ult + package so you have plenty of material to drill and practice on. Plus, JY's explanations always have diagrams in them for SA questions, which make it that much more helpful.
I remember that one. I skipped first. lol