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Need work on my study habits

I have a full-time job and work an hour away from home. By the time I come home, make dinner and get ready to study its about 8pm. I try to stay as consistent as I can with my study habits but lately its been so rough on me. I find myself dozing off after two hours of studying and some days im not able to get thru the first section.
I am beginning to get frustrated and not sure what else to do. I study on weekends on and off throughout the entire weekend for hours at a time, take breaks as needed in between and I am able to knock out questions but I feel during the week my schedule is keeping me from focusing.

Any suggestions?


  • FixedDiceFixedDice Member
    1804 karma

    Have you tried taking a short nap (5-10 minutes) after coming back from work? Sounds like your brain and body can use some recuperation.

  • Kyle....Kyle.... Alum Member
    134 karma

    Sounds pretty much like my schedule, which I am happy with. I study for 2-3 hours on weeknights (working full-time or longer) and generally 5-7 hours a day on the weekend. With that time, I'm able to take, blind review and then watch videos for select questions for two full practice tests each week, plus a full day dedicated to BR'ing earlier logic games.

    I don't think I could do any more time than that, and I'm seeing improvement / happy with the schedule (I'm taking the test in June).

  • _oshun1__oshun1_ Alum Member
    3652 karma

    Maybe you could bring dinner to work, eat right before/after you get off work, and study at a cafe near your work for an hour or two and drive home after? I find that studying as close as possible to my work as soon as I get off keeps me focused since I’m still in work mode and don’t get too relaxed by going home.

  • Thanks for all the suggestions guys I'm definitely going to try studying at a cafe near work to make it easier on me.
    @"Kyle...." I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one with the same crazy schedule. I'm just starting off and have already seen small improvements. I just feel like if I had more time I could see a lot more. Thanks for the motivation!

  • pioneer321pioneer321 Free Trial Member
    328 karma

    Are you able to maybe study in the morning before work? That worked pretty well for me, though I am lucky in that I don't have to leave for work till 9, so I could put in solid 3.5-4 hours each morning.

  • GuillaumeGuillaume Alum Member
    652 karma

    Sounds like my schedule. Keep in mind that for folks that work full time and/or have a family the study schedule is much longer. When I was doing the CC I did the exercises in the morning on my commute to work and on the way home. I found the mornings worked better so I started waking up an hour earlier. I keep my evenings free because my mind is exhausted after work and the quality of studying isn't optimal, I also need the time to unwind and not burn out. I make up for it in the weekend by heading to the library at 9 am and staying until 6. Saturdays are blocked off entirely for studying and PT'ing. It helps that I have a study buddy (my boyfriend) who accompanies me every Saturday.

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