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February LSAT Discussion Thread



  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    edited February 2018 729 karma

    @kshutes13 said:
    So let me get this straight... the LG section that had the prerequisite game and the sound game was real .... ? ha ha


    Yes! I had to skip one, go to next then go back. I was hoping for the experimental to be real

  • Radhika.Radhika. Member
    214 karma

    I'm still confused on what the real RC was

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    @kshutes13 said:
    So let me get this straight... the LG section that had the prerequisite game and the sound game was real .... ? ha ha


    I had that. And ditto .... haha. I guessed on 1 game, and half of another. Did not do as good as I have been on FPing games and my PTs

  • btsao650btsao650 Alum Member
    254 karma

    I had 3 LR.

    One of them had a question about samurai children. Was that one real?

  • jwrigh73jwrigh73 Alum Member
    43 karma

    I don't remember that question on mine and I had 3 LR.

  • saberatisaberati Alum Member
    edited February 2018 94 karma

    @lsatjess said:
    @saberati was your last game one about quilts/rugs at a fair? (Or maybe I’m just making up the part at the fair lol)

    My last game was students and economics classes aka prerequisites

  • kshutes13kshutes13 Member
    edited February 2018 634 karma

    @olioliber said:

    @kshutes13 said:
    So let me get this straight... the LG section that had the prerequisite game and the sound game was real .... ? ha ha


    Yes! I had to skip one, go to next then go back. I was hoping for the experimental to be real

    Same... I absolutely bombed the first LG section in the exam

  • KevinA14KevinA14 Alum Member
    71 karma

    Here's a list of real vs. exp questions.

  • mmmmmkk99mmmmmkk99 Alum Member
    56 karma

    Real RC was Web Dubois and beetle passage!

  • Jennifer-4Jennifer-4 Member
    72 karma

    @sarahkay said:
    I had LG LR RC LG LR

    So the first LG section was experimental? How do you know?

    Because us that only had 1 LG section had a game about robbery (man woman siren) and one with prerequisites

  • saberatisaberati Alum Member
    94 karma

    @"Radhika." said:
    I'm still confused on what the real RC was

    Copyrighting, beetle larvae & beavers, African American author, lying and democracy

  • saberatisaberati Alum Member
    94 karma

    @jwrigh73 said:
    I don't remember that question on mine and I had 3 LR.


  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    @jwrigh73 said:
    I don't remember that question on mine and I had 3 LR.

    I did not have a question about samurai, and also had 3 LR. I also did not have the probiotics & baby question that powerscore says was in the real LR.

  • KevinA14KevinA14 Alum Member
    71 karma

    @"sbc.mom_3x" said:

    @jwrigh73 said:
    I don't remember that question on mine and I had 3 LR.

    I did not have a question about samurai, and also had 3 LR. I also did not have the probiotics & baby question that powerscore says was in the real LR.

    I had 2 LR and I remember getting the probiotic question.

  • btsao650btsao650 Alum Member
    254 karma

    Question about LR experimental sections:
    Are real questions mixed with fake questions throughout the 3 LR sections?
    Or is it the case that if you get 3 LR sections-2 sections are ENTIRELY real and 1 section is ENTIRELY not real?

  • Radhika.Radhika. Member
    214 karma

    @saberati - thank you! ugh I was hoping cholera was real and not beetle larvae bleh

  • btsao650btsao650 Alum Member
    254 karma

    @"sbc.mom_3x" said:

    @jwrigh73 said:
    I don't remember that question on mine and I had 3 LR.

    I did not have a question about samurai, and also had 3 LR. I also did not have the probiotics & baby question that powerscore says was in the real LR.

    I didn't have the probiotics question either!

  • sbc.mom_3xsbc.mom_3x Alum Member
    1501 karma

    @btsao650 said:

    @"sbc.mom_3x" said:

    @jwrigh73 said:
    I don't remember that question on mine and I had 3 LR.

    I did not have a question about samurai, and also had 3 LR. I also did not have the probiotics & baby question that powerscore says was in the real LR.

    I didn't have the probiotics question either!

    I am close to thinking they are mixed...

  • LastLSATLastLSAT Alum Member
    1028 karma

    @btsao650 said:
    Question about LR experimental sections:
    Are real questions mixed with fake questions throughout the 3 LR sections?
    Or is it the case that if you get 3 LR sections-2 sections are ENTIRELY real and 1 section is ENTIRELY not real?

    2 are entirely real, 1 is entirely experimental.

  • sarahkaysarahkay Free Trial Member
    edited February 2018 29 karma

    Was the string quartet LG real? Something like picking 2 violin players, piano etc.

    My head is so cluttered I can’t remember if it was in the same section as the robbery game.

  • LastLSATLastLSAT Alum Member
    edited February 2018 1028 karma

    Actually felt like I made a major improvement over my last score on this LSAT! February wasn't half as scary as I thought it would be haha.

    I got LG LR RC(fake) RC(real) LR. Felt like LG was a breeze, LR was kind of weird but manageable, and RC was very tough—I was pissed to see that (edited) was the real section.

    I would not be entirely surprised if my score breakdown was the reverse of my December performance (with LG being best and RC being worst this time, vs RC best LG worst in December). Anyone else feel this way?

  • kshutes13kshutes13 Member
    634 karma

    @BagelBiter said:
    Actually felt like I made a major improvement over my last score on this LSAT! February wasn't half as scary as I thought it would be haha.

    I got LG LR RC(fake) RC(real) LR. Felt like LG was a breeze, LR was kind of weird but manageable, and RC was very tough—I was pissed to see that beetles was the real section.

    I would not be entirely surprised if my score breakdown was the reverse of my December performance (with LG being best and RC being worst this time, vs RC best LG worst in December). Anyone else feel this way?

    I was the opposite. I found RC (with the beetles) to be a breeze and LG to be brutal.

  • jwrigh73jwrigh73 Alum Member
    43 karma

    There was also a LR question about forging an authors handwriting because the pressure applied was even or something like that. I’m not sure what section that was though

  • GoBirds11GoBirds11 Alum Member
    169 karma

    Yes, exactly the same here. Was really hoping that first RC was the real one!

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    Any word on the curve? How will this work with no 26q on lr?

  • Jennifer-4Jennifer-4 Member
    72 karma

    @BagelBiter said:

    I would not be entirely surprised if my score breakdown was the reverse of my December performance (with LG being best and RC being worst this time, vs RC best LG worst in December). Anyone else feel this way?

    I agree. I thought LG was easier n RC were a lot more difficult to read. One (I forget which) I felt like they wrote it then sat down with a thesaurus n changed words for fun -they didn't seem natural. I thought LR had some weird hybrid question stems. Like they want us to waste time having to read them.

  • LastLSATLastLSAT Alum Member
    edited February 2018 1028 karma

    @kshutes13 said:
    I was the opposite. I found RC (edited) to be a breeze and LG to be brutal.

    Very interesting! And I thought RC (edited) was my strongest section with LG being reliably my weakest haha.

    The LSAT can definitely throw us for a loop.

    I guess this goes to show that the same test form can be an entirely different experience for different individuals.

    Congrats on making it through Feb. everyone!!!

  • TomUSNA12TomUSNA12 Member
    56 karma

    I had LG LR LG RC LR. The Powerscore link posted above by @KevinA14 is spot on. The second LG on my test (Section 3) was experimental.

  • hmettehmette Alum Member
    3 karma

    @sarahkay said:
    Was the string quartet LG real? Something like picking 2 violin players, piano etc.

    My head is so cluttered I can’t remember if it was in the same section as the robbery game.

    Did you have this order: LG, LR, LG, RC, LR

    Because that was mine and I'm in the same spot. Head is so cluttered I can't remember which game fell in which section, as they were so close together. If that was your order do you remember if the string quartet was in the 1st or 3rd LG section? Because the string quartet/loading bays section was apparently experimental.

    Really curious bc I totally bombed the first game section...

  • Grace...Grace... Alum Member
    edited February 2018 344 karma

    LG with truck on east west north south, is it real? It was the Section 3. The second LG for me.

    I had LG LR LG RC LR.
    RC had DuBois and Washington, Copyright, Beetle, Justified lying (not in order).

  • natalieblaruenatalieblarue Free Trial Member
    edited February 2018 2 karma


  • SerenityFalconSerenityFalcon Alum Member
    86 karma

    @BagelBiter said:
    Actually felt like I made a major improvement over my last score on this LSAT! February wasn't half as scary as I thought it would be haha.

    I got LG LR RC(fake) RC(real) LR. Felt like LG was a breeze, LR was kind of weird but manageable, and RC was very tough—I was pissed to see that beetles was the real section.

    I would not be entirely surprised if my score breakdown was the reverse of my December performance (with LG being best and RC being worst this time, vs RC best LG worst in December). Anyone else feel this way?

    @BagelBiter You're not alone!

    I had the same sections as you in the same order today, and also took the December LSAT, scored like you then, and feel exactly the same in every respect!

    I'm guessing my Feb. score will be identical to December too, because of these trade-offs... unless I did much better on the LR sections, which I can't really say. I'm tempering my hopes of a higher score.

  • SerenityFalconSerenityFalcon Alum Member
    86 karma

    @"Grace..." said:
    LG with east west north south, is it real? It was the Section 3. The second LG for me.

    I had only one LG and didn't have a game like that.

  • BlinkexistsBlinkexists Free Trial Member
    edited February 2018 63 karma

    How do I delete a comment hahaha

  • kshutes13kshutes13 Member
    edited February 2018 634 karma

    @hmette said:

    @sarahkay said:
    Was the string quartet LG real? Something like picking 2 violin players, piano etc.

    My head is so cluttered I can’t remember if it was in the same section as the robbery game.

    Did you have this order: LG, LR, LG, RC, LR

    Because that was mine and I'm in the same spot. Head is so cluttered I can't remember which game fell in which section, as they were so close together. If that was your order do you remember if the string quartet was in the 1st or 3rd LG section? Because the string quartet/loading bays section was apparently experimental.

    Really curious bc I totally bombed the first game section...

    @sarahkay @hmette string quartet Q was experimental. I had the same order as you. It was in the 3rd section. 1st LG section was real.

  • LastLSATLastLSAT Alum Member
    1028 karma

    @SerenityFalcon said:

    @BagelBiter You're not alone!

    I had the same sections as you in the same order today, and also took the December LSAT, scored like you then, and feel exactly the same in every respect!

    I'm guessing my Feb. score will be identical to December too, because of these trade-offs... unless I did much better on the LR sections, which I can't really say. I'm tempering my hopes of a higher score.

    Crazy that we had the same exact order!

    Here's to hoping that your LR sections brought you up! I'm sure you made more of an improvement than you're feeling like you did now. Oftentimes, it's easy to be pessimistic over the uncertainty that one or two tricky questions in a section can cause.

    Just remember that the huge majority of questions that we're NOT dwelling on immediately post-test are the ones that will make the positive difference in our scores.

  • LastLSATLastLSAT Alum Member
    edited February 2018 1028 karma

    @"Jennifer-4" said:

    I agree. I thought LG was easier n RC were a lot more difficult to read. One (I forget which) I felt like they wrote it then sat down with a thesaurus n changed words for fun -they didn't seem natural. I thought LR had some weird hybrid question stems. Like they want us to waste time having to read them.

    Yeah there was definitely some wack phrasing in the question stems and the (edited) RC passage (at least in my experience).

    Just remember that it's all noise though—as long as you get the jist of what they're asking/saying, you're well equipped to attack the questions with the logic necessary to get them correct.

  • Grace...Grace... Alum Member
    344 karma

    @SerenityFalcon Thank you.

  • SerenityFalconSerenityFalcon Alum Member
    86 karma

    @BagelBiter said:

    Here's to hoping that your LR sections brought you up! I'm sure you made more of an improvement than you're feeling like you did now. Oftentimes, it's easy to be pessimistic over the uncertainty that one or two tricky questions in a section can cause.

    Just remember that the huge majority of questions that we're NOT dwelling on immediately post-test are the ones that will make the positive difference in our scores.

    Yes, true! Thanks. Good reminder, @BagelBiter !

    The fact that I didn't bomb any section today should theoretically require a better result! (I totally bombed the Dec. LG, like 50% pure guessing. On the Feb. real RC, my worst part today, I'm sure I hit at least 75%) ... I feel I had a "stronger LSAT performance" today, I'm just trying not to guess a number (I really don't understand how people can do that). I've already been accepted to several schools with my Dec. score (relief!), and am hoping to get scholarship leverage and/or admission to my reach school with this one.

    I do hope the LSAT scorers send results early again like they did in December! At least the 2018 PYEONGCHANG WINTER OLYMPICS will provide a fun distraction while waiting for scores! I'll start checking for scores after the Olympics end on Feb. 25th, and if they don't release until March 8th?-- THAT is going to be hard. :persevere:

  • jwrigh73jwrigh73 Alum Member
    43 karma

    So for the LR LG LR LR RC, which LR was the experimental?

  • @"Jennifer-4" said:

    @mcglz_64 said:
    Sorry which RC was real

    Besides the beetles/ants I just remember one copyright

    The copyright one was between 2 'arguments' A&B

  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    Sorry, confused here. Was yoga real or not real?

  • @kshutes13 said:
    So let me get this straight... the LG section that had the prerequisite game and the sound game was real .... ? ha ha


    Dude, I know right? Those games had me off the bat gasping for oxygen

  • CantStopWontStopCantStopWontStop Alum Member
    1270 karma

    Was yoga real or not real for lg section. My brain is mush

  • @plspeer said:
    How many questions were on the real RC section?


  • @"Radhika." said:
    I'm still confused on what the real RC was

    Bugs/copyright/African American influencers, I might be missing 1

  • @btsao650 said:
    I had 3 LR.

    One of them had a question about samurai children. Was that one real?

    Don't think so

  • olioliberolioliber Alum Member
    729 karma

    @olioliber said:
    Any word on the curve? How will this work with no 26q on lr?

  • @kshutes13 said:

    @olioliber said:

    @kshutes13 said:
    So let me get this straight... the LG section that had the prerequisite game and the sound game was real .... ? ha ha


    Yes! I had to skip one, go to next then go back. I was hoping for the experimental to be real

    Same... I absolutely bombed the first LG section in the exam

    Here here

  • SerenityFalconSerenityFalcon Alum Member
    86 karma

    @Feb2018Taker said:
    Was yoga real or not real for lg section. My brain is mush

    Yoga was experimental. Check here for best solid updates:

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